Simple Tips on How to Stay Inspired

Simple Tips on How to Stay Inspired


Simple Tips on How to Stay Inspired


Hello my friends…we just had a heatwave in Germany….. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love good weather, but when it’s too hot and humid to move, it’s not for me.


I used to live in California, where it can be sizzling, but at least there is air condition everywhere… which is not the case in Germany….. Anyway I hope you are enjoying your summer no matter what the conditions are 🙂


During the last few weeks I experienced a loss of inspiration, feeling kind of blah….did not feel like writing, making collages or doing anything that’s fun. I‘m just wondering…has this ever happened to you?


Somehow you want to write something,  paint something, create a video or whatever it is…But all you can do is stare into space and there is no spark of inspiration to get into action.


Ouch… it’s painful, frustrating and it happens to me so many times, it’s not funny. For writers it’s called writer’s block, but whatever you want to do, it applies to any block regrading expressing creativity and doing the things that you love to do. Crazy isn't it 🙂


Now what can you do when this happens?


One thing that helps me is to have the book the "Artist Way" nearby and read a chapter, it's the "bible for creative people." I also have a list of blogs bookmarked and when I need a “pick me up”, I read some of their material or watch their videos.That helps, most of the time….


When I want to write a blogpost, but feel blah about the state of the world or think… Well who wants to read another blogpost, there are millions out there already…. I listen to Dr. Lance Secretan, a leadership teacher who creates inspired environments all over the world.


Dr. Secretan teaches the "Higher Ground Leadership Course" at CoachVille, my wonderful school…I just watch one of his videos to put the wind of creativity and hope back into my sails. He uses a great tool: Spirit Cards, their purpose is to help you invite spirit into your work and life.


By the way.. Coachville has a free membership available with an abundance of free audios and other great material……. that's also a great way to get inspired…


One other great way to get back into the groove is: Visualize a time when you were totally on fire… working on something, being blissfully absorbed in the activity. Can you get into the movie?


  • What did you do?

  • Who were you with?

  • What exactly happened?

  • How did it feel


Try to come up with a few situations, be as detailed as possible and try to re-create the same energy, or feeling. This simple exercise will get the creativity flowing…..I promise 🙂


Music triggers the flow of creativity too, so creating a playlist of your favorite music, will be a fun action. What is it for you? Beatles, Rolling Stones, Cat Stevens, Nirvana, Bob Marley, Mozart, YoYoMa?

Whatever it is…put your headphones on and start singing to the music..


Maybe you want to be bold and start moving to the music…. there is nothing better than dancing, to get out of your mind into your body. Feel the movement, feel the joy, let it take you over. One of my passions is 5 rythm dancing…… psssst it's a secret.


Oh, one last tip…Go to a different place to work… like a nice cafe, the library, maybe your garden or the park, sit next to a creek under a tree, listen to the birds and wait what happens.


Ok my friends that’s it for today….Do you have some more empowerment tips? Please share them for all of us to enjoy.




Check out this wonderful video with another technique 🙂


How to Find Your Life Purpose


How to Find Your Life Purpose


How to Find Your Life Purpose


Hello my friends, thank you for visiting my blog. Psssst… just to warn the "spelling and grammar" police…..English is not my first language, I twist sentences and make mistakes, but I love to write and be impulsively creative 🙂


Are YOU here, because you are one of the fortunate beings who found  your life purpose…… or you're still searching for it?


“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” Pablo Picasso


So many people are looking for a life purpose, 44000 monthly searches for life purpose on google……with 200 million results. Indeed a BIG question, maybe the biggest question in life. What does it actually mean to live your life purpose? What does it mean for YOU?


  • To do the work you love to do?

  • To make good money with work you enjoy?

  • To express your deep self?

  • Travel to all the places you want to see?

  • Have great relationships with family and friends?

  • To live a great life and be of service to others?

  • To be happy and healthy?


Maybe it’s all of the above and maybe there is something else…..I would like to share with you, what it is for me:


To do the work I love to do, to help other people live a fulfilling life, while having the freedom to work anywhere in the world.


That’s mine and I am so pleased to say that I am there…… I am living it. Now wait……… did not happen overnight, it took 10 years. So how did I start? I started with a question to the universe: Please help me find something that makes me happy, let’s me be of service and gives me financial freedom.


Besides asking this question… I took some action steps. Unfortunately, even with the law of attraction, just sitting on the sofa will not work, sorry.



  • Created a vision board

  • Got certified as a coach

  • Participated in spiritual programs

  • Learned about online business

  • Participated in many transformational and personal development seminars

  • Meditated

  • Took care of my needs

  • Practice being creative just for the heck of it.

  • Trusted my intuition

  • Did a lot of healing work, including some crazy things.


One more piece, that’s very important…Not only did I have to learn new things and skills. I also had to become willing to get out of my comfort zone, to overcome my fear of being visible and standing out…… and that was hard.


It took lots of practice and to be honest… the fear is still there but it does not paralyze me any more. Being ok with failing was another key element that I had to practice. Growing up in a world where one was expected to get it right… was and is not an easy task, can YOU relate?


Somehow one thing lead to the next… person lead to the next person…. one teacher lead  to the next,……one program to the next. It was like a miraculous, unconscious  map…. it came together like a puzzle.


I had no clue where I was going, but I had a feeling I was going into the right direction. Yes, I know it’s not very logical, but it’s not a logical process, the main ingredient is learning to trust and be aware of the next invitation to act.


Yes, I made a wrong turn too, by getting my real estate licence and working as an agent for 4 years, right at the time when the market had crashed. That was hopefully my last example of going for something that was kind of a good idea and practical, which is what my mind told me…. but not fulfilling to my spirit.


A while ago I was introduced to Human Design and it totally fascinated me as another coaching tool. I immersed myself into learning and using it im my own life. It still amazes me how powerful it can be to help clients find their uniqueness, live their true nature and their life purpose. The excitement never ends, there is always something new to learn.


If you are interested in an exploratory session that might rock your world, let me know. It’s my gift to you, no I don’t do free coaching, but I do free sessions to get to know YOU. How else can one choose a coach? Just click the contact tab and we will set up a 50 minute appointment 🙂


Let me know, where you are in the process of finding your life purpose. I love to read your comments.

Spring Cleaning To Empower and Renew Yourself


Spring Cleaning To Empower and Renew Yourself

Spring Cleaning To Empower and Renew Yourself

The secret of getting started is breaking complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” ~Mark Twain

Yipppeeee, it's spring again, time to get the cobwebs out of your minds and homes, it sometimes even helps to get unstuck. Spring cleaning is a simple task to refresh and renew your senses. Sometimes you will feel like new after the spring cleaning. So put your favorite music on, use natural cleaning soaps and bring "happy energy" to the task. Go through your drawers, cabinets and closets.  Take a few boxes, or bags and label them.

  • Donation
  • Second Hand Store
  • Trash

Things that have not been used in a while can be donated or when something is more valuable and you need the money give it to a second hand store. After you've gone through everything it's time to take the boxes into the car to make sure they don't go back into the closet. (We know what you're like) 🙂 Step one completed, now let's start with step two.

Spring Cleaning:

Vacuum everything, wash the windows, remove the cobwebs, dust the furniture, mop with Meyer's lemon soap, wipe the shelves. Ahhh, it feels good already, now new things can come into your life and here is why: According to Feng Shui, clutter is low, stagnant, blocked energy that drains energy from you and lowers the quality of your life. As soon as you get rid of the clutter in your life you create space for something new to come in………….. how wonderful is that!

Now that you've done your home it's time to "declutter you". Take a bath with 6 cups of apple cider vinegar, which will draw the negative energy out of your body and energy field, it also softens your skin. Let go of all the old stuff that is bothering you, say good bye to the anger, hurt and disappointment. Why is it a good idea to let go of it? These negative feelings are like cobwebs in your mind, you want to make room for something new, happy and exiting feelings!

When done, get your favorite essential oil and diffuse it. Now sit in your favorite chair or sofa and just reflect. Enjoy the feeling of well being and know that you created it!

If you have any tips on spring cleaning, share them with us and leave a comment below.

There Is No Program That Will Do It For You

There is no program that will do it for you

Are YOU like me and you tried many programs and seminars just to wonder why the hell nothing is working? The sad truth is that all the programs in the world will not help you achieve your life dreams, or whatever you expected from it. I am not saying that it is a waste of time, seminars and programs are still my favorite thing to do, but now I see it as kind of a vacation and a great place to get inspired and meet likeminded folks.

When I started to be interested in human potential and spirituality, I wanted to believe that if I just take one more program, I would get it, but I did not. For many years I went from one seminar to the next success seminar and expected that one day I would get the answer to my problems and my dream life would just appear in front me and I would live happily ever after. Well, unfortunately it did not work, can you relate?

Don't get me wrong, I had a lot of fun, met wonderful people and learned a lot of great material, but the big change did not happen this way.

 So what can be done? I experienced that I need to do the work of exploring myself, recognizing the patterns that served me as a child, but not as an adult and practice new behavior. Success and transformation are an accumulation of things and if we are left to our own devices, most of us will miserably fail.

Continue reading “There Is No Program That Will Do It For You”

Simple Tips To Find What You Love To Do – Part 2

do what you love to do


Simple Tips To Find What You Love To Do – Part 2

Hello again my friends, today we will explore a few more tips on how to find the things you love to do. Below are a few questions that I would like you to ask yourself. Yes it may be strange to ask yourself, but it's more like asking the question to the universe, you’re higher self or whatever you want it to be.

We have all the answers inside of us and yes even if you do not believe this you have them too. The trick is to get quiet enough to listen. The stronger your personality is; the harder it is to listen, so please, please, please do yourself a favor start to meditate and listen, it's the only way 🙂

• What are you passionate about?
• What is your biggest dream?
• Who do you want to become?
• What do you want to give?

I suggested 3 simple tips in the first part and today we will explore a few more. Please take the time and do the action steps, otherwise you can be sure that nothing will change. Small action steps repeatedly taken are required in order to create your dream life and please do remember: Everything we do that's new will feel uncomfortable.

7 years ago I did not have any idea what my passions are and if somebody asked me about my goals, it made me feel uncomfortable and I was avoiding the answer.  It made me feel bad that I did not have any; actually I was afraid of goals, I was afraid of them because I knew that it would require commitment and commitment scared me, it was associated with: that's too hard.

Life felt stuck and I thought there must be something wrong with me, if I cannot answer these questions. The good thing is: today I am crystal clear about my passions and the goals I want to achieve and all I did was practice all the little simple exercises and practices, I am giving you right here.

The answers just appeared like magic out of nowhere, but I had to let it go when they come and how they come.

â—¾Get your local community college schedule and sign up for a class
â—¾Go to the museum, or a concert and get inspired
â—¾Take some time out and do something completely different
â—¾Get some inspiring books, for example the "Artist Way"
â—¾Find some interesting groups on Meet Up and join

Always, always, always keep the meditation going, even if it's only a few minutes. It will help you to get beyond your conscious mind, into the subconscious mind. You must make it part of your daily routine like food, drink or exercise, yes it's that important. Just let it happen whatever idea comes up: explore it. 

The mind does not want to do new things and will come up with all kinds of reasons why not to do it. It's not the mind's job to make us happy; it just wants to keep us safe. This sounds self-defeating and yes it is. But the good news is that with some awareness and practice we can learn to move beyond the fear and do it anyway.
This is it for today, please leave a comment and if you have tips that I did not mention, please share it.


More instructions about:" how to make a vision board" when you watch the videos or click the links below

Vision Board Samples

Vision Board Meditation, created by Marita and lead by Marcela Manesis


How to help visualize and manifest your fitness and health goals with a vision board



Do You Suffer From Confusion?

do you suffer from confusion?

Do You Suffer From Confusion?

Confusion is a success killer.  Have you heard the quote: confused minds don't buy? Even worse; confused minds don't do anything. In order to be successful and move forward with YOUR dreams and desires, YOU first must have clarity about what it is that YOU want.

Some definitions of confusion:

  • Uncertainty about what is happening, intended, or required.
  • The state of being bewildered or unclear in one's mind about something.
  • A symptom that makes you feel as if you cannot think clearly. You might feel disoriented and have a hard time focusing.

Confusion does not feel good, it makes you feel stuck and not able to move forward. Just to clarify we are NOT talking about confusion, connected with alzheimers and age related dementia, we are talking about temporary confusion.

Where does confusion come from?

For a normal human being, confusion is a temporary intellectual and or, emotional CONDITION. Where one is torn between different choices, or facts
and a resolution cannot be found at the moment.

This creates an inner conflict which arises because one cannot understand what's going on and does not know what's the next  best thing to do.

This condition can arise on many levels. It can occur regarding everything from a harmless not being able to decide which menu item to order, which item to buy or, to the most important  life-issues.

Do you want to leave a relationship or not,  quit a job or not, commit to something or not. All this is normally  preceeded by confusion.

The most important action one can take, will be to just accept the fact that you feel this way. This might sound too simple to be true and I hate to say it,  yes it is. By accepting the fact that you are confused and stuck you release the conflict, or resistance which is stuck  in your energy field.

This makes it possible for new creative energy to come to you, in form of intuitive ideas or subtle hints, about what would be a good choice to make. Now this is not an intellectual process, it's very intuitive. 

One activity that will help is to meditate and get centered.  Walks in nature and exercise are also great. Have you noticed that sometimes solutions come to you when you are relaxed and not looking for them?

It's normally hard to remember something, when you force yourself to come up with it. But when you let it go and say, ok, it will come later, it normally floats into your conscious mind. This is a great example for the process.

So practice with easy items and see if they come to you after you let go of trying to remember them. Then go to more important items and try and write them down. Journaling is always good, it helps to create more awareness and whenever you go through something similar you can look up your notes about it.

Also, when you have difficulties to decide on what to order in a restaurant, try and practice to make a choice right away without agonizing over it. Remember it really does not matter to make the perfect choice, you just want to make a choice.

With all these little actionsteps, you are practicing new behaviors. The NEW is always kind of uncomfortable, even scary, but it's the only way to get out of these patterns.

Fear always plays a role when we are confused, we are afraid to change something in life, because we do not know how it will work out and uncertainty produces fear.

But nothing in life is certain, we might have everything worked out and the next day we find out we have a desease, our partner leaves us, we have an accident and so on. So it's a good practice to trust the universe that everything will work out for the best of all concerned.

Here a simple relaxation meditation, I just learned from a brain expert.

Take a deep breath in, when you breathe out say your name, repeat this several times.


 Did this help? Please let me know and leave a comment


Do You Believe You Can Create Your Life?

Do You Believe You Can Create Your Life?


Do You Believe You Can Create Your Life?

If you say no, then why?

I also did not believe I can create my life, it took me a long, long time. Somehow I could not believe that I can be successful, that I can be and have what I want. Success was for other people, the "lucky ones." Does this sound familiar to you?

Well thank god, I changed my mind. I now believe that I can create my life and that I can have and be what I want to be.

Continue reading “Do You Believe You Can Create Your Life?”

Letting Go Of Family Secrets

letting go of family secrets

Letting Go Family Secrets

Do you have any? To be honest I did not think I had them, but eventually I realized I had to accept them and let them go, one secret at a time.

Up until 10 years ago I thought my life was great. I lived in one of the most beautiful parts of the world.  We owned a nice house with a huge garden and had 2 beautiful, healthy kids. The beach was our playground, we had good friends and we were creative. My husband worked in special effects and I had a successful business, so it all looked pretty good.

Continue reading “Letting Go Of Family Secrets”

How Vision Boards Can Empower Your Life

How Vision Boards Can Empower Your Life


How Vision Boards Can Empower Your Life

Most of us want change at some point in our life, but on the other hand we don’t. Change can be scary and it's definitely kind of uncomfortable, but also essential in order to grow.

A few years ago, I started to  Feng Shui my home and all of a sudden my life was upside down. It wasn’t  really what I wanted right at that moment, but now I know it was all good and in my best interest.

A vision board is a great tool to empower your life and if you create it, your life will change. How it will change is up to you, the more intentions you set, the more you visualize, the more you will attract those things to you.

Continue reading “How Vision Boards Can Empower Your Life”

How To Make Decisions When You Don’t Know What To Do

how to make decisions when you don't  know what to do

How To Make Decisions When You Don’t Know What To Do

Do you sometimes have a feeling that nothing in your life works and you feel stuck, like a hamster on a wheel?
Well I did, actually I am happy to report that I just moved beyond it. There is nothing more empowering than making a decision and once you make it the energy starts to move.

For weeks maybe years I had this one big decision looming over me. I knew I would  had to make it eventually, but did not know when. But I always felt slightly off track. Until one day I made the decision, coming from nowhere, I just knew what to do. Has this happened to you, that you wake up and just know

So what happened to lead to this event?

Several things happened that made everything even more difficult in my life, I had a very stressful, transaction at work, I had problems with my living situation and nothing made sense anymore. It was so weird that I had an intuitive reading and whatever I was told was another piece in the jig puzzle, that I needed to know.

I got a hint that something was telling me it’s time to do something, a hint that turned into a bill board, telling me: Marita it's time to do it and eventually I listened.

It felt like a "knowing", or certainty" that now is the right time to move into the next stage.
The next stage for me was making plans to move back to Germany as my parents are turning 80. I lived on another continent for 34 years. I had my kids, my businesses and all my belongings in California. 

Nevertheless, I had a feeling it’s time to go back. It was 3 months ago, that the universe kept telling me it’s time to go. I organized everything, gave things away and put the most important stuff into storage. In order to avoid the last minute moving craziness I stayed with friends.  Just the thought of staying with friends gave me anxiety attacks and I was a nervous wreck. Now looking back it was all wonderful, I had a chance to spend time with people I loved and connect at a deeper level.

The move was made, I 'm in Germany now and everything is falling into place, I will move into an apartment in the heart of the city. I will have everything in walking distance. I will have time to focus and develop the things I am passionate about. The more I think about it, the more I know it was the right decision.

Do you listen to your feeling when you make major decisions and how do you know?