Wie du Melancholie in Kreativität verwandelst


Wie du Melancholie in Kreativität verwandelst


 Hallo meine Freundinnen, wie geht es euch? Der Sommer ist fast vorüber, die Blätter bekommen flammende Farben, die Luft ist etwas kühler und  eine neue Jahreszeit bricht an.

    Immer wenn es so weit ist, bin ich glücklich, weil ich den Herbst liebe. Gleichzeitig fühle ich einen Hauch von Melancholie, weil ich der warmen  Sonne lebewohl sagen muss.

    In den letzten Wochen höre ich oft, dass sich Freunde darüber beklagen sich melancholisch zu fühlen. Daher rührt meine Idee, einen Artikel darüber zu schreiben, wie man diese Melancholie in Kreativität verwandeln kann.

    Zunächst einmal wollen wir sehen, was Wikipedia zu Melancholie zu sagen hat:

Ein Gefühl nachdenklicher Traurigkeit, typischerweise ohne offensichtlichen Grund.

Also: Wie fühlt sich diese Melancholie in meinem Körper an?

  • Schwere im Bereich des Herzens
  • Sehr wenig Begeisterungsfähigkeit
  • Lethargie (Mangel von Energie und Enthusiasmus)
  • Alles ruft Tränen hervor
  • Ein Gefühl der Hoffnungslosigkeit

   Diese Gefühle sind mir sehr vertraut — früher nannte ich sie Depression. Dank einiger Menschen und Weisheiten in meinem Leben lernte ich einen freundlicheren Weg, darüber zu sprechen und zu denken.

      In den letzten Jahren bin ich in das Konzept von Human Design eingetaucht und es zeigte mir, dass all diese Gefühle und Bewusstseinszustände mechanische Energien sind, die im Hintergrund laufen. Das hat mir geholfen diese dunklen Gefühle nicht so persönlich zu nehmen.

     Manchmal liegt das an den eigenen Lebensumständen, an Aktivierung durch Planeten Konstellationen, die wiederum andere Energien in uns aktivieren.  Manchmal ist es der Einfluss anderer Menschen.

     Als ich herausgefunden hatte, dass ich  tatsächlich melancholische Energien in mir habe, die aber gleichzeitig super kreativ sind, fragte ich mich: Ok, was kann ich mit dieser Einsicht tun? Die Antwort war: Melancholische Phasen sind tolle Zeiten um kreativ zu werden.

     Was für eine tolle Gelegenheit, um Gedichte, Tagebuch oder einen Roman zu schreiben, ein Bild zu malen, eine Collage zu basteln, Blumen zu           pflanzen, neue Rezepte auszuprobieren, schöne Gedecke zu gestalten oder was auch immer deine kreative Muse tun möchte.

    Der Trick dabei ist, es auch wirklich zu tun… Wir Menschen sind manchmal seltsam, mich eingeschlossen. Du weißt, was dir gut tun würde, aber du vermeidest es wie die Pest.

    Ist dir das schon mal passiert: Du putzt lieber das Haus, gibst Geld aus, guckst Fernsehen, trinkst eine Flasche Wein, beginnst ein Drama, zettelst einen Streit an…

    Kommt dir bekannt vor? Ich habe das alles getan. Vor zehn Jahren habe ich dann aufgehört Fernsehen zu gucken, Alkohol zu trinken, in Drama einzusteigen… und dennoch habe ich meine Wege, um meinem Rendezvous mit der kreativen Muse aus dem Weg zu gehen.

    Ich sage es nicht gerne, aber manchmal braucht es dafür sanfte Gewalt. Heutzutage zwinge ich mich freundlich, kreativ zu sein und schon fühlt sich die Melancholie viel leichter an. Diese kleinen Schritte helfen mir dabei:

  •  Ich habe mir einen guten Lautsprecher gekauft, um meinen Raum mit schöner Musik zu erfüllen.
  • Ich sammle stets Materialien, um alles bereit zu haben, wenn ich Collagen basteln möchte und die Kreativität ruft
  • Manchmal gehe ich mit meinem Tagebuch in den Park, setze mich ins Gras oder auf eine Bank und beginne etwas zu schreiben, das sich vielleicht eines Tages in ein Buch über mein verrücktes Leben verwandeln wird. (Da wehre ich mich auch gegen) ????
  • Ich gehe spazieren und mache photos. (das Bild oben ist eines davon)
  • Ich tanze zu schöner Musik, manchmal auch wild.

     Die wichtigste Lektion von allen ist jedoch, eine Entscheidung zu treffen: Depressiv zu werden… oder etwas zu tun, was dir tatsächlich hilft, deine Energien wieder durch deinen Körper fließen zu lassen. Tu etwas kreatives und obendrauf wirst du vielleicht mit einem wunderbaren Kunstwerk von dir belohnt.

                                               Love you all



Tanzen hilft mir dunkle Gedanken gehen zu lassen und Leichtigkeit einzuladen.


How to Turn Melancholy into Creativity

how to turn melancholy into creativity

How to Turn Melancholy into Creativity

Hello my friends, how are you?? Summer is almost over, leaves are turning flaming colors, the air is a bit cooler and a new season is here.

Whenever this happens I am happy because I love fall and at the same time I feel a hint of melancholy, saying goodbye to the warm sun.

The last few weeks I heard lots of friends complain about feeling melancholic, so I thought it´s a good idea to write an article, how to turn this melacholy into creativity. First let´s see what Wikipedia has to say about Melancholy:

A feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause.

Now… how does this melancholy feel in my body?

  • Heaviness in my heart area
  • Very little excitement
  • Lethargy, (a lack of energy and enthusiasm)
  • Everything brings up tears
  • A feeling of hopelessness

These feelings are very familiar to me, I used to call them depression. Thanks to some people and wisdom in my life, I learned about a kinder way to talk and think about it.

The last few years, I have been immersed into Human Design which taught me that all these feelings and states of mind are mechanical energies that just happen. 

Sometimes its due to life circumstances, or planetary energies that activate certain energies, sometimes it´s the energy of other people.

When I found out that I have lots of energies, that are actually melancholic, but at the same time very creative, I thought ok, what can I do with this insight? The answer was: melancholic states are great times to be creative.

What a great time to write poetry, write into a journal, write a book, paint a picture, create a collage, plant flowers, try a new recipe, make a beautiful table arrangement, or whatever your creative muse wants to do.

The trick is to actually do it….Somehow human beings are strange and that includes me too. You know what would be good for you, but you avoid doing it.

Has that that ever happened to you? That you rather clean the house, spend money, watch TV, drink a bottle of wine, start some drama, get into a fight…

Sounds familiar? I did all of those things… 10 years ago I stopped watching TV, quit drinking, quit immersing myself into drama… but I still have my ways of avoiding to meet my creative muse.

I hate so say it, but sometimes gentle force is needed. These days, I kindly force myself to be creative and the melancholy feels a lot lighter. These little actions help me:

  • I bought myself a good speaker to fill my space with beautiful music.
  • I always collect materials, to have everything ready to create collages when the creativity calls.
  • Sometimes I take my journal to the park, sit on the grass or a bench and start writing, which at one point might morph into a book about my crazy life.

The most important lesson in all this is to make a choice: To get depressed… or to do things that will actually help the energy to move through your body. Do something creative and as a bonus, you might be left with a beautiful piece of art.

                                                        Love you all


What is your experience with melancholy and creativity? What do you do when you are sad? Please share it with us and leave a comment.




Coaching and Human Design Work Together

How Coaching and Human Design Work Together

Coaching and Human Design Work Together

How are you? I’m so happy that you are here. Today I would like to share something with you that has been a life-changer for me. Oh, before I forget I would like to wish you a very merry christmas and a happy new year.

My studies and training in personal development and coaching have been extensive and just when I thought I can stop learning for a while, my coach introduced me to Human Design.

He used it in our coaching sessions and I was amazed how it helped me move through some issues that held me back. So now you might want to know….

  • What is Human Design and how does it work with coaching?

Chetan Parkyn, a human design expert and author of several books on the subject explains it this way: We each have our own unique design — a blueprint of our individual nature. Yet, few of us live in accordance with our Design, because we don’t know what it is. Instead, we try to mold ourselves to the expectations of other people. (That´s where the problem starts)

So the key benefit to knowing your design is that once you know how your energies flow, what your strengths and weaknesses are, you can better work with them, accept your unique nature and be yourself. Of course it will make it easier to accept other people for who they are, too.

You will have access to some simple strategies on how to make decisions according to your type and how to interact with others. It will help you to know which relationships will be good for you and which will be complicated, then you can decide if you chose to hang out with the difficult ones or not.

It will also be beneficial to accept the fact that life is programmed and that your internal navigation system will guide you through it. Now this is a tough one to swallow for some people but for others it´s a relief. I am a fan of 12 step programs and a practitioner of mindfulness and I found that these 3 practices work together in total harmony.

This is about all I want to say about the system and if you would like to know more about it you will find great information at Human Design for us all and Human Design America. I also would like to let you know that I am not a human design expert nor offer professional readings, I simply use elements that have proven to be beneficial for me and my clients in my coaching.

Some practical examples how it works.

First I print out an interesting chart based on name, place, date and time of birth of a person which gives me a lot of information about certain energies in the human being. Some people do not like this, that`s ok, but for the ones who like self-discovery and want to know the truth of how they operate in the world, this is truly an amazing tool.

Let me give you some examples of how it has benefited me. One of my challenges is fluctuating self-worth, I never thought about it and just knew it was there but did not really know how to work with it.

  • So I learned that it`s not my nature but what I learned while growing up, because most parents and society do not support individuality, they try to mold little people to their standards. So it’s easy for a child to believe that they are not worth anything, they are not lovable, or they always feel that there is something wrong with them. These are called patterns of belief and survival patterns. These are also the internal energies that keep us stuck.
  • The other important insight was that my energy fluctuates and that it`s very important for my wellbeing to be aware of my energy and not force myself to do things when the energy is not there, but fully utilize it when it’s there. I have to be aware of my flow not only for me but for my environment, because when my energy is off I mess up your flow. So I have some responsibility 🙂
  • I have some energies that work as a catalyst for others, meaning that when people are around me or work with me….out of the blue they open up to stuck energies, now this might sound a bit weird, but I notice it more and more.
  • The last one I want to mention is a huge creative energy which has to be shared with the others. Most of my life I was very closed and did not share myself, but since I started my journey of self-discovery I started to open up and the more I open up and share my findings the more fulfilled I feel.
  • Oh, here is one more…I am all over the place that means I am jumping from one idea to the next one excitement to the next, one task to the next and I thought I have to be concentrated and do one thing at a time. Knowing this has opened up new opportunities because I can accept that my energies work like this, but I can also learn how to be effective when I`m all over the place.

This is it for now, I could go on forever, but I just wanted to give you a taste. This information has been life changing and I am forever grateful to my coach and trainer Dave Buck, CEO of Coachville to use Human Design in our coaching sessions.



Do you Feel Stuck, Discontent and Confused?

Do you Feel Stuck, Discontent and Confused?


Do you Feel Stuck, Discontent and Confused?


You probably googled: being stuck, discontent and confused ……welcome to my blog,  I hope this post will lift your confusion, or at least help you accept the times when you feel confused.


Most people have these moments of feeling stuck, confused and discontent, I sure have many times. Confusion is constantly with me, but I am learning to not be stopped by it.


Last year my coach introduced me to “Human Design” and used it in our coaching sessions. One of my obstacles came up: “confusion” and I learned that it actually is a huge energy in my system and I should use it as an asset.


I used to see it as a hindrance and after hearing what he told me… I thought, now I’m totally stuck with it. Nothing will get done, because my confusion always takes me out of the game. Painful…… can you relate?


The pattern acts like this: I am “gungho” about a project and start doing things then……I get confused and I start questioning everything I do…. with the result of not wanting to move forward anymore.


So…what I learned is: I use the confusion on others by questioning the options they have and help them get get clarity. How brilliant is that?  My favorite questions are:

  • How does all this fit together?
  • How can you make this work?

First I thought, wow this is brilliant and it is… but of course it takes a bit of time to get out of one pattern and get into the habit of doing something new.


New habits need to be practiced and after a while they become second nature, experts say it takes 21 days…This is very hopeful, but to be honest… I would say it takes longer.


Adopt the new attitude that there is no rush, it’s just life and there is nowhere to get to, no time limit to do it within. This is such a great help, that there is time and no rush. it's normal to set time lines, but we don’t have to. Ok… sometimes it’s necessary but not always.


How to practice a new, healthy habit……. the most important piece it to keep reminding yourself of it because…..believe it or not you forget 🙂


How to remind yourself of important things:


  • Journal about it every day

  • Write yourself a card to remind yourself

  • Create a poster and hang it in your office

  • Set reminders on your phone


These are common suggestions and tools, most people think it’s too simple and they don’t believe they work, they don’t want to do stupid exercises like this. The big answer to the problem is: don’t let your mind talk you out of stuff because…….. Your mind is the big problem.


Your mind is not here to make you happy, help you be successful and all the other good stuff. Your mind is here to keep you safe. Do you understand this? Just to spell it out what safe means for the mind: a miserable, boring, unfulfilled life.


Anything exciting in life has something to do with trying new things, experimenting.  Your mind will keep you from doing that….it’s not safe!!!……………


What this reminder phrase looks like for me: "Confusion is just an energy to help me help others clarify their life".

As a coach that’s very helpful……..don’t you think so too 🙂


This is what it says in my human design chart: I am under pressure to make sense of certain aspects of the world and to bring rhythm and change into other people’s lives.


I am here  to make others aware of aspects of their lives so they can follow a progression of change or choose to stay the way you are. But whether you chose to change or not …….the awareness my energy  brings, cannot be ignored.

Wohooooo, are you ready?


If you are curious, try an exploratory session with me, it’s my gift to you: e mail me  at maritasteffe@gmail.com to schedule a convenient time for you.


How to Find Your Life Purpose


How to Find Your Life Purpose


How to Find Your Life Purpose


Hello my friends, thank you for visiting my blog. Psssst… just to warn the "spelling and grammar" police…..English is not my first language, I twist sentences and make mistakes, but I love to write and be impulsively creative 🙂


Are YOU here, because you are one of the fortunate beings who found  your life purpose…… or you're still searching for it?


“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” Pablo Picasso


So many people are looking for a life purpose, 44000 monthly searches for life purpose on google……with 200 million results. Indeed a BIG question, maybe the biggest question in life. What does it actually mean to live your life purpose? What does it mean for YOU?


  • To do the work you love to do?

  • To make good money with work you enjoy?

  • To express your deep self?

  • Travel to all the places you want to see?

  • Have great relationships with family and friends?

  • To live a great life and be of service to others?

  • To be happy and healthy?


Maybe it’s all of the above and maybe there is something else…..I would like to share with you, what it is for me:


To do the work I love to do, to help other people live a fulfilling life, while having the freedom to work anywhere in the world.


That’s mine and I am so pleased to say that I am there…… I am living it. Now wait………..it did not happen overnight, it took 10 years. So how did I start? I started with a question to the universe: Please help me find something that makes me happy, let’s me be of service and gives me financial freedom.


Besides asking this question… I took some action steps. Unfortunately, even with the law of attraction, just sitting on the sofa will not work, sorry.



  • Created a vision board

  • Got certified as a coach

  • Participated in spiritual programs

  • Learned about online business

  • Participated in many transformational and personal development seminars

  • Meditated

  • Took care of my needs

  • Practice being creative just for the heck of it.

  • Trusted my intuition

  • Did a lot of healing work, including some crazy things.


One more piece, that’s very important…Not only did I have to learn new things and skills. I also had to become willing to get out of my comfort zone, to overcome my fear of being visible and standing out…… and that was hard.


It took lots of practice and to be honest… the fear is still there but it does not paralyze me any more. Being ok with failing was another key element that I had to practice. Growing up in a world where one was expected to get it right… was and is not an easy task, can YOU relate?


Somehow one thing lead to the next…..one person lead to the next person…. one teacher lead  to the next,……one program to the next. It was like a miraculous, unconscious  map…. it came together like a puzzle.


I had no clue where I was going, but I had a feeling I was going into the right direction. Yes, I know it’s not very logical, but it’s not a logical process, the main ingredient is learning to trust and be aware of the next invitation to act.


Yes, I made a wrong turn too, by getting my real estate licence and working as an agent for 4 years, right at the time when the market had crashed. That was hopefully my last example of going for something that was kind of a good idea and practical, which is what my mind told me…. but not fulfilling to my spirit.


A while ago I was introduced to Human Design and it totally fascinated me as another coaching tool. I immersed myself into learning and using it im my own life. It still amazes me how powerful it can be to help clients find their uniqueness, live their true nature and their life purpose. The excitement never ends, there is always something new to learn.


If you are interested in an exploratory session that might rock your world, let me know. It’s my gift to you, no I don’t do free coaching, but I do free sessions to get to know YOU. How else can one choose a coach? Just click the contact tab and we will set up a 50 minute appointment 🙂


Let me know, where you are in the process of finding your life purpose. I love to read your comments.