Do More of What You Love to Do

Do what you love


Do More of What You Love to Do

It's a rainy day and I'm sitting in a cafe in Aachen Germany, with a view of the old townhall, dating from 1300. My fingers are tapping rythmicalIy on the keyboard…… I love to write, actually it wasn't always like this……it used to be something that I thought I'm not good at…… I did not enjoy the process and it never crossed my mind that I would actually love to write. All the stuff that my mind would tell me, to keep me from doing the things I love to do 🙂

But you just never know what miracles can happen. Now I'm thinking about writing a book to share my eventful life experiences, a journey from enduring life to loving life. We'll see when that happens….Right now I am fascinated by Human Design and I learned that one of my "superpowers" is to share my experiences. Wouldn't it be great to share this in a book?

The more you do the things you love to do, the more the things you love will come to you.    

Meditative dancing is another great way to express yourself. It's not recreational dancing, but a form of moving meditation, which I discovered through a good friend of mine in California. It's called "5 rythm dancing" or "sweat your prayers". Click the link if you would like to find a class in your area, they normally let you try one for free and after that it's $15 per class.

When I tried it the first time, I could not believe how good I felt after the dance. My busy mind was quiet, my body was calm and totally realaxed. I felt like being on a cloud without having taken any substances. I was so moved by the music and spirit that I had tears streaming down my face 🙂

Dancing meditation is: to be moved by the music. The body is the instrument that is being moved, it's a way to get into the body out the mind, to free yourself from thinking, planning, strategizing, future tripping and worrying for a short time. Sometimes when I dance, solutions to problems float into my mind, or I get flashes of creative ideas.

Moving meditation is also self expression at it's finest, it's not about looking good, it's not about taking the right steps, it's not about performing…..It's about "the expression of self" expression of spirit, a prayer in motion…..and also a way to deeply connect with others.

Ok, this might sound a bit too much for the people who are "rational" and don't believe in spiritual practices and believes… By the way this could have been me ten years ago, I was very rational and did not understand the "new age thing, the old hippie thing, the "god thing"….But I changed my mind.

I now live in a mind-space of miracles, when I say miracles…it's the little things in life where the timing is just right. Someone or something appears out of the blue and it helps, inspires or motivates me. Maybe it's the next piece in the puzzle of my life.

For example, I was at a friends house and I had the thought;  Marita… walk to the creek… somehow I did not do it….another hour later I had the thought again….Marita walk to the creek. This time I put my shoes on and walked to the creek.

At the turn in the road a man and a dog came up the path…I looked at him, he looked at me and he said…are you Marita? I looked at him perplexed and said yes… are you Tom….he said yes….it was a friend of mine from 40 years ago, before I moved to the states. (By the way I did not use his real name)

If I would have come 2 minutes later or one minute earlier… we would not have met on this path… this is what I call "my little miracles." I don't know, why we met, but I know the timing was so crazy that there must be a good reason.

Maybe I can say something to him, that he needs to hear to open something up for the next step on the journey, maybe it's something I will need to hear……Who knows?

What are your miracles?

Now… you might ask; what's the common denominator between miracles and doing what you love to do. Well for me it works together, the more I do the things I love to do and I can generate the energy of inspiration, the more I experience these kinds of miracles.

I think it's heightened awareness and being in tune with my intuition. Simple Miracles happen all the time, but the question is: are you aware of them?

Make a little experiment and try it for yourself…… Now back to dancing, tonight I will actually go visit a club with disco music, it's not the same spiritual experience, but it's super, fun exercise for me.

I remember that 10 years ago it would have been in agony to think about going to a club alone, just dancing and having a blast. These days I can do it… no problem and I totally enjoy myself.

Doing more of the things I love to do, is changing my life. The energy of blissful enjoyment is attracting more things that I love into my life.

Yeah, that's how the Law of attraction works in my life….

What do you love to do? Please let me know and write a comment…..I love to know 🙂

PS: If you don't know what you love to do….yes it happens and believe me you are not the only one…maybe you would like to try a fun coaching session. My gift to you…to get to know you is your gift to me 🙂 click the contact tab and let me know…

My dance video to give you a little taste

How to Find Your Life Purpose


How to Find Your Life Purpose


How to Find Your Life Purpose


Hello my friends, thank you for visiting my blog. Psssst… just to warn the "spelling and grammar" police…..English is not my first language, I twist sentences and make mistakes, but I love to write and be impulsively creative 🙂


Are YOU here, because you are one of the fortunate beings who found  your life purpose…… or you're still searching for it?


“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” Pablo Picasso


So many people are looking for a life purpose, 44000 monthly searches for life purpose on google……with 200 million results. Indeed a BIG question, maybe the biggest question in life. What does it actually mean to live your life purpose? What does it mean for YOU?


  • To do the work you love to do?

  • To make good money with work you enjoy?

  • To express your deep self?

  • Travel to all the places you want to see?

  • Have great relationships with family and friends?

  • To live a great life and be of service to others?

  • To be happy and healthy?


Maybe it’s all of the above and maybe there is something else…..I would like to share with you, what it is for me:


To do the work I love to do, to help other people live a fulfilling life, while having the freedom to work anywhere in the world.


That’s mine and I am so pleased to say that I am there…… I am living it. Now wait……… did not happen overnight, it took 10 years. So how did I start? I started with a question to the universe: Please help me find something that makes me happy, let’s me be of service and gives me financial freedom.


Besides asking this question… I took some action steps. Unfortunately, even with the law of attraction, just sitting on the sofa will not work, sorry.



  • Created a vision board

  • Got certified as a coach

  • Participated in spiritual programs

  • Learned about online business

  • Participated in many transformational and personal development seminars

  • Meditated

  • Took care of my needs

  • Practice being creative just for the heck of it.

  • Trusted my intuition

  • Did a lot of healing work, including some crazy things.


One more piece, that’s very important…Not only did I have to learn new things and skills. I also had to become willing to get out of my comfort zone, to overcome my fear of being visible and standing out…… and that was hard.


It took lots of practice and to be honest… the fear is still there but it does not paralyze me any more. Being ok with failing was another key element that I had to practice. Growing up in a world where one was expected to get it right… was and is not an easy task, can YOU relate?


Somehow one thing lead to the next… person lead to the next person…. one teacher lead  to the next,……one program to the next. It was like a miraculous, unconscious  map…. it came together like a puzzle.


I had no clue where I was going, but I had a feeling I was going into the right direction. Yes, I know it’s not very logical, but it’s not a logical process, the main ingredient is learning to trust and be aware of the next invitation to act.


Yes, I made a wrong turn too, by getting my real estate licence and working as an agent for 4 years, right at the time when the market had crashed. That was hopefully my last example of going for something that was kind of a good idea and practical, which is what my mind told me…. but not fulfilling to my spirit.


A while ago I was introduced to Human Design and it totally fascinated me as another coaching tool. I immersed myself into learning and using it im my own life. It still amazes me how powerful it can be to help clients find their uniqueness, live their true nature and their life purpose. The excitement never ends, there is always something new to learn.


If you are interested in an exploratory session that might rock your world, let me know. It’s my gift to you, no I don’t do free coaching, but I do free sessions to get to know YOU. How else can one choose a coach? Just click the contact tab and we will set up a 50 minute appointment 🙂


Let me know, where you are in the process of finding your life purpose. I love to read your comments.

Simple Tips To Be More Positive

Simple Tips To Be More Positive

Simple Tips To Be More Positive

Dear friends, please forgive me that I write in English with a German twist and in German with an English twist… but it's what I do 🙂


Ok, here we go: Do you sometimes find yourself in a rut of complaining…. seeing the negative in everything…. only noticing what you don't have and feeling sorry for yourself.

Ouch….. I know it's not very pretty, but I experienced that even some very advanced and wise human beings suffer from this at times. So if it makes you feel better……you are not alone, it’s called… being human 🙂


Can you be open to the fact that everything in the universe is energy? Our body is energy, our thoughts and feelings are energy and everything around us as well. All of life is energy vibrating at different frequencies. Scientific research tells us that we attract the same energy we put out. It's a quantum physics law and it could be what the Buddhists call Karma.


Yes… I know it sounds a bit abstract, but I chose to trust that it's true, even if my mind would like to dissect it and scream: where is the proof? I want proof ! But proof or not it's better to be safe and try to generate good feelings and positive energy to attract more of the good stuff. What do you think?


Keeping this in mind it makes sense, that if we are negative we attract more of the same “energy shit” to us and if we are positive we attract more of the positive people and events towards us. Very simple isn’t it…. but how can we use this in a practical way to improve our lives?


For some people negativity is like an addiction, they dive into it…. for some lucky others it’s easy to be positive. It depends on how they are wired and what was experienced throughout life.


Depending on what's going on in the world some people are easily affected by those energies. Especially for "emotional sponges, or empaths, it's hard to stay positive, because of their sensitivity to energy.


If you are sensitive, you can be affected by the moon, how someone talks to you, the weather, the impatient driver behind you flipping you off, or being in crowds. The good news is that there are few simple practices that can be learned and practiced in order to help you be more positive.


Simple Tips To Be More Positive


  • Skip the news

  • Smile more

  • Read nourishing books

  • Surround yourself with positive people

  • Allow yourself time to play

  • Make time to do things you love to do

  • Turn a poster into your favorite quote

  • Eat good, healthy food

  • Meditate

  • Exercise and get fresh air

  • Affirmations

  • Gratitude


Zap tolerations, at all cost….. avoid people and things that drain your energy. This could be one of the most important tips that I can give you. Even if it’s hard… if someone close to you makes you feel bad and drains your energy, let them go, or at least limit your exposure to them. Skip the news, it’s more helpful for the planet, if you add positive energy to your environment than to know all the horrors going on in the world. It's called self care.


Meditation will help you to become more aware of what’s going on in your mind. This simple awareness will give you the choice to practice a different way of thinking.

One of the improvements after practicing meditation was; that I knew I have a chance to interrupt my trail of thoughts and change them. Very simple but powerful.


  • I will share my very simple meditation with you. I sit down on a chair or a cushion in a quiet place and start breathing, I just keep breathing and imagine breathing in calm and happiness and breathing out negativity. Sometimes I visualize the positive as pink light and warm energy and the negativity as dark brown and cold energy. I do this for five minutes and longer if I have more time….. just breathing, not getting drawn into thoughts…..easy enough?                                                                                             

Affirmations are very simple to help you generate positive energy. Do you remember this guy; Stuart Smalley from "Saturday Night Life?" He said his affirmations in front of a mirror and it was hilarious. Watch the video below it will make you laugh. The key about affirmations is… create them in present time, starting with I am. It's how you would like to feel and what you would like to feel in the NOW. For example…..

  • I love and accept myself
  • I trust the universe
  • I am healthy and happy
  • I have everything I need and more
  • Every cell of my body is vibrant and healthy
  • Good things are coming to me


But fun aside, affirmations and gratitude work very well when you are not feeling great. They will generate the feeling of love in your body and they are simple enough to remember and practice. Keep reminding yourself with “posts it notes” placed in strategic place: your car, fridge, bathroom mirror, any strategic places that you visit more often.


Another very helpful strategy is an accountability partner, a dedicated friend who you can check in

with, when you need to know that all is well and the emotions will pass……

Of course this is one of the reasons that a coach can be a blessings, someone who reminds you of your gifts and assets and who believes in you even if you don’t…and yes sometimes a coach has to challenge you…………If you would like to try my  "coaching experience" session, which is is my gift to you, just Click this link to find out more

One last thing…please smile more….

I wish you a wonderful week and please leave a comment to let us know what helps YOU to come out of a negative rut.


Have fun with Stuart

There Is No Program That Will Do It For You

There is no program that will do it for you

Are YOU like me and you tried many programs and seminars just to wonder why the hell nothing is working? The sad truth is that all the programs in the world will not help you achieve your life dreams, or whatever you expected from it. I am not saying that it is a waste of time, seminars and programs are still my favorite thing to do, but now I see it as kind of a vacation and a great place to get inspired and meet likeminded folks.

When I started to be interested in human potential and spirituality, I wanted to believe that if I just take one more program, I would get it, but I did not. For many years I went from one seminar to the next success seminar and expected that one day I would get the answer to my problems and my dream life would just appear in front me and I would live happily ever after. Well, unfortunately it did not work, can you relate?

Don't get me wrong, I had a lot of fun, met wonderful people and learned a lot of great material, but the big change did not happen this way.

 So what can be done? I experienced that I need to do the work of exploring myself, recognizing the patterns that served me as a child, but not as an adult and practice new behavior. Success and transformation are an accumulation of things and if we are left to our own devices, most of us will miserably fail.

Continue reading “There Is No Program That Will Do It For You”

Simple Tips To Make Your Life Fun – Interview With Dave Buck MCC


make your life fun


Simple Tips To Make Your Life Fun – Interview With Dave Buck MCC

I hope YOU are well and life is fabulous and inspiring.

Today, I am so thrilled to introduce you to my teacher and mentor Dave Buck, CEO of Coachville LLC, Master Certified Coach and founding member of the transformational leadership council.

Coach Dave has changed my life with his wisdom and the concept to bring more of the spirit of play into people's lives. That was one missing element in my life. For whatever reason, I turned everything into a chore.

Even when I liked what I was doing, after a while I lost my joy in it and it turned into an energy drain. At 57 years old I decided to change my career from interior design and real estate to coaching, this not only changed my career but also my behavior and my way of thinking.

Most people told me, oh no way YOU are too old to start a new career, but I think YOU are never too old to start a new life. All we want is to be happy, to live a life that’s interesting, stimulating with meaningful, supportive relationships around us, it's never too late for that!

Find out why and how having a coach can change your life.

Coaching is helpful for people who want to get better at something in their life. Athletes have coaches to get better at their game and the same concept applies to personal coaching.

People hire coaches to

  • Find more joy in life
  • Be more creative,
  • Be more successful in business
  • Have more fulfilling relationships, 
  • Live healthier more balanced lives.

Not only that, it will give you a wonderful support system, someone who believes in YOU.

How does it work for YOU when YOU are left to your own devices?  When YOU listen to the interview you will hear what just happened in a coaching session I had last week, a new insight I got that might improve my life even more.

A coach can help YOU see situations in a new light and help YOU find the answers within yourself. Yes it might sound kind of wowoooo, but that’s how it works.

Ok, I will stop now, enjoy the audio and if it inspired you please leave a comment.

Oh, I almost forgot, if you get inspired by our conversation and would like to try a session. Take advantage of my fabulous offer: A 30 minute exploratory coaching session with me. It's my gift to YOU and it might give YOU some ideas on how to bring more fun into your life. Just click the contact tab and let me know.




click the triangle below to listen 🙂


Lets Do It

Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Change your mind change your life

Change Your Mind Change Your Life

How are YOU doing with change? Is it hard for YOU or easy? Life is so full of changes and most of us resist it, don't YOU think so too?

Speaking for myself I can say that I used to fight changes fiercely, until I was over 50 when everything in my life was changing, if I wanted it or not. Resisting it was extremely painful, but I did not know what else to do until………….

Somehow I had the idea to just go with the flow, accept the changes and make the best of it. You know what? That was the best thing I ever did in my life, besides having my beautiful kids 🙂

What helped me in my search of a happy life was a book by the psychiatrist Jerold Jampolsky: "Change your mind changes your life"…………He was miserable too; actually he said he was an alcoholic and eventually got so miserable that he wanted to end his life. Thank god he found the course in miracles and it started to change his life.

He started to write books, present courses and started the center for attitudinal healing in Sausalito. The concept how changing our attitudes makes us happy is inspiring thousands of people.

Wow, what a concept, YOU don't have to stay the victim, YOU could change YOUR mind, be happy, forgive, let go and do whatever YOU want.  This idea can be the beginning of a new life. What is there to lose? What is the risk? It might be time to risk doing something new and be happy.

When we grow up we do not learn these concepts, we mostly learn to fit in, to not risk, to play it safe. But today we have all these wonderful programs, books, movies, meditation centers and coaches available, who can help us go through the changes. It's much easier to accomplish with a good support system.

Below are a few methods to help change our way of thinking.

  • Mindfulness Meditation 

Do YOU have a meditations practice? If not I would highly recommend it. You can find a group anywhere, or you may want to set up a group with friends. If that is not possible or practical for you, just get some guided meditation audios and follow that.

The process of meditation is very soothing, extremely easy and helps to be more aware in life. It reduces stress and is good for YOUR health and emotional wellbeing. A lot of my friends love Yoga Nidra, which is a very relaxing guided meditation, where YOU scan your whole body.

There are lots of scientific studies about the benefits of meditation and if YOU think it's a religious thing and YOU don't like it, I would suggest reconsidering. There are also lots of meditation centers that offer retreats.

Retreats are my favorite kind of vacation. Spirit Rock in the San Francisco area is a magical place; they have great teachers, a beautiful setting and great food. But there are many others in most parts of the world.

Meditation and mindfulness has helped me through the hardest time of my life and now I know that anything can happen and I will be able to deal with it in a healthy, no drama way.

  • Supportive Environment

Do YOU have people around YOU who support YOU in YOUR efforts to change? Sometimes when we feel that change is necessary, we are surrounded by people who don't like change and they try to keep us exactly where we are. I had to let go of a lot of old friends, because they were hindering my process. Find groups of people who want to go a different route in life. 

There are many of them; you can find a meet up group in a topic that you are interested in. Surround yourself with like-minded people; create an environment that supports YOU.

  • Work With A Coach

A coach is the best support YOU can get, it's priceless to work with someone who is there to support YOU, YOUR well-being and help YOU uncover what makes YOU happy. Someone who reminds YOU of YOUR dreams and keeps YOU focused on YOUR vision. It's the best supportive environment YOU can get. Have YOU ever tried it? Book an exploratory session with me, it's my gift to YOU, click the contact tab and leave YOUR information if YOU are interested.

What's helping YOU to create change in YOUR life? Please leave a comment; it's always helpful for others 🙂



Perfectionism Kills Creativity

perfectionism kills creativity


Perfectionism Kills Creativity

Do you have a problem with perfectionism?

  • How does it show up?
  • How does it make you feel?
  • Does it prevent you from doing what needs to get done?

After participating in lots of human potential groups, reading hundreds of book and taking many classes, I allow myself to say that perfectionism is a huge problem, effecting millions of people. What's your opinion?

A long time ago YOU might have started to try and be perfect, because YOU wanted to please your parents when you were a kid. Maybe YOU thought YOU will only be loved if YOU do everything right. YOU might  have been ridiculed and then continued the thread of perfectionism through our life.

Now why is perfectionism a problem?

  • Keeps YOU from taking action, because everything has to be perfect
  • Cannot love and accept yourself the way YOU are
  • Creates seperation between YOU and others
  • Prevents YOU from being in the flow
  • Never happy with what YOU do or say
  • Tendency to be uptight and judgemental
  • Prevents you from enjoying YOUR life
  • Zapps YOUR energy
  • Kills YOUR creativity

 Do any of those items apply to you?

If so, do not despair, the good news is: YOU are not alone and YOU can let go of it. The desire to do everything right can be positive to some degree, if it helps YOU to do something well. But if it freezes you to take action, or if YOU can't enjoy YOUR life, it's a hindrance.

How can perfectionism be dropped?

One of my mentors says: It's better to perform mediocre actions and DO things, than to be perfect and NOT DO things. The other great quote is: "progress is better than perfection."

If you have a dream for your life and you need to perform certain actions, but don't do anything because of the fear to not do it right…. you have a problem. YOUR dream will have to wait and maybe wait forever. If you are ok with that fine, if not something needs to be done. Do YOU agree?

For example…. a lot of people want to use videos to market their businesses and get their message out there, but they don't do it, because they don't like the way they look, how they talk, or they have the excuse that they don't have the technical knowledge. Not none of them is a good excuse and I used all of them until………………..

I had this struggle myself, let me tell YOU about it 🙂

Part of my business plan was, to create videos in order to be visible online, to have a chance for people to get to know me and to be known for what I do. The problem was: I had no clue how to do it, felt very insecure about the way I looked, the sound of my voice and in addition to that, I did not have the techical know how…….big problem!

After a while I was getting tired of telling my coach that I had not done it. So the desire to do it and to be accountable to my coach made me get over the resistance and fear.

I had a cheap little MINO HD camera and a tutor at the local college helped me with the techical aspects of how to record and how to do "idiot proof" editing with "life movie maker", an editing program that comes with windows. I still had fear but now the desire and the personal support made me actually do it….Wow what a relief.

I got a simple $30 tripod at Best Buys and started recording when I I created my vision boards and guess what… I actually had major fun doing it. I made sure I had kind of a nice background, I put some makeup on to have color in my face and then I just did it.

The editing was fairly easy to do. I learned how to cut pieces together, to add text and how to blend the different cuts together. It was super simple. The last step would be to save it and upload to YouTube and that was it. I was proud of myself, because I acted in spite of fear.

Every time you get over a fear or resistance, YOU empower yourself and you can overcome YOUR perfectionism one step at a time.

Here some more tips:

Detach from the result

Some things need to be done and there is no way around them, but  YOU can make it about the action and not the result, YOU can just enjoy what you're doing, make it creative. Be curious about turning it into a playful activity that you love to perform. This might not change the task but it will make it possible to have fun with it and actually enjoy what YOU do.


When you have a project ahead of you, make a list of all the items that need to be done, then determine the order of how important they are and make a list of people who YOU could ask for help. If it all gets to be too much, drop the items at the end of the list. For example if you have to organize a party,  it's better to have fun with your guest than to have the perfect decor or food. Always ask yourself what are the most important essentials in order to enjoy this.

Don't take yourself so seriously

Have you noticed that when YOU struggle and try to be perfect YOU can't have fun. When others are light, playful and creative, YOU might judge them for being so, but in the back of your mind YOU would like to be light and quirky yourself. Try to notice when you get annoyed with others who have fun and look into it……… Normally whatever annoys us in others is something we do not allow ourselves.

So now I would like to invite YOU to be willing to add more fun to YOUR life, make it playful, enjoy it!  When YOU are at the end of your days, it might not be important how perfect everything was, but how much you enjoyed your days, other people and yourself 🙂

My dear friends, do you have any tips about how to drop perfectionism? Please leave a comment, it helps to get some more ideas and practical tips.


Do You Believe You Can Create Your Life?

Do You Believe You Can Create Your Life?


Do You Believe You Can Create Your Life?

If you say no, then why?

I also did not believe I can create my life, it took me a long, long time. Somehow I could not believe that I can be successful, that I can be and have what I want. Success was for other people, the "lucky ones." Does this sound familiar to you?

Well thank god, I changed my mind. I now believe that I can create my life and that I can have and be what I want to be.

Continue reading “Do You Believe You Can Create Your Life?”

How To Bring The Spirit Of Play Into Your Life

How to bring the spirit of play into your life

How To Bring The Spirit Of Play Into Your Life

Have you noticed that when you have fun at work or play, life is lot more enjoyable, playful and adventurous?

Wouldn't it be great to bring fun to all the chores you have to do, the work that needs to get done, the jobs you have to go to. The approach is to turn everything, you don't like into something you do like. Yes it might require to make things up, or to pretend a little bit, but that's ok. 

Do you agree that YOU could be a lot happier as a result?

The problem is that most of us from the industrial generation did not learn to have fun at work or in life. We learned that everything needs to be worked at and that making money, or working has to be hard.  Nobody mentioned that it could be fun. Life was supposed to be hard and that reflected in everything we did. These were my messages when I grew up.

  • Artists always struggle
  • Work is hard
  • You must work hard for you money
  • People with lots of money must be crooks
  • Work is no fun
  • You must be practial

On it goes, have you heard these phrases? I made an experiment a few years back when I hated my business and my 1 hour commute. I knew there was nothing I could do at this time to change my work. There was also nothing I could do about the commute. So to constantly complain and resist reality made me suffer and was a  waste of energy. All of a sudden I had the thought:  what if I accept this as a fact and try to enjoy everything as best I can….. Well this was an interesting new approach and worth a try.

How did I transform my thinking?

I got great audios to listen to, which made the commute pleasurable and every day when I woke up, I said to myself "I am so happy I have this business and all these wonderful clients who are happy with my work. I am grateful for my employees, who like me and help me do whatever needs to be done and I can totally trust them. How lucky I am that I have this wonderful business."

Every client who called or came in was offered a silent prayer and was thanked for being so kind and for inquiring about my services and for being wonderful. (I was the only one who knew this). It was interesting that as soon as my attitude changed and I stopped complaining about it, I actually started liking my work.

Not only that the clients who came in were more considerate, but everything was more pleasant and less stressful, including me. This was my first awareness how positive thinking could change my reality, how people behave, how I feel and of course, I attracted more clients because I was cheerful, confident and happy. More clients meant more sales and more revenue. I was on the first step of a wonderful transformation of myself and the life arround me.

This process is ongoing and will last forever. It's a practice of mindfulness, or awareness that never stops, but it's a magical and fun ride. Do YOU have things in YOUR life that YOU don't like but cannot change right now?  Try this approach and I promise the results will be transformative. Life is a lot more fun when YOU are content, happy and fulfilled.  Everything feels so much better when YOU are grateful for what you have rather than to complain about what YOU don't have.

Bring more fun into life and create the life of your dreams by

  • Turning everything into a game
  • Looking at everything from the bright side
  • Find creative ways to do things
  • Inspire others to do the same

Have you tried this practice? If the answer is YES,  please leave a comment and if NO please leave a comment. Both will help others. wishing YOU a wonderful mindful week.

"When you change, the world around you changes"

Law of Attraction – The Secret Law Of The Universe

Law of attraction the secret law of life

Law of Attraction – The Secret Law Of The Universe

Most of us know that the law of attraction states that "like energy attracts like energy." This simply means that the thoughts we think, the actions we perform, the feelings we feel, the words we say, all vibrate at a certain frequency. So whatever frequency our thoughts and beliefs are, that's exactly the same frequency we attract. Now that's a scary thought, do you agree?

You can compare it to a radio receiver, which only receives a channel when it's tuned to the right frequency. You think about 50000 thoughts a day and most of them are not conscious to you, they just run like a background program. It's not only your thoughts, it's other people's thoughts too. Yes it's like living in a soup of thoughts and it can get messy 🙂

Depending on how you were brought up, how confident you are, how creative you are, how courageous you are, how aware you are, you might have a hard time to be in charge of your feelings, thoughts and actions. Maybe you have reacted to the same situations and people for decades. It's pretty much like a "robot state", the reactions are triggered by old memories and they happen automatically.

The most important fact about the law of attraction is that you must be aware of all this, if you want to attract your dreams and desire. Below are a few simple tips that will help you to apply the law of attraction to your life.

  •  Meditation will increase your awareness, it's like getting stronger antennas and you will be able to make a choice of how you want to react to certain people or situations.
  •  The Sedona methode will help to let go of old patterns. You can do it yourself by going to the website, getting the book, or the audio. It's pretty much just asking  series of questions and being willing to let this stuff go, but the results are profound. If you are willing it just happens!
  • Another effective way to reprogram old stuff is by listening to brain entrainement audios. The most effective ones I have found are: Quantum Mind Power Triliminals" by Morry Zelcovitch. They are very soothing to listen to and I love the results. Some patterns are hard to change, they were created on a subconscious level, so it makes sense that they can only be changed or let go on a subconscious level.
  • In order to help you with the visualization process you might find it very helpful and meditative to make a vision board. A vision board is a collection of very inspiring images and words or phrases. The main purpose is to help you visualize and focus on what you love and desire, to help you achieve you life dreams. It's a simple map to create your dream life. The more you focus the better it gets. If you use all these practical simple methods you will see results in your life.

If you use all these practical simple methods you will see results in your life. Try it out  and let me know how it goes.