Simple Tips To Be More Positive

Simple Tips To Be More Positive

Simple Tips To Be More Positive

Dear friends, please forgive me that I write in English with a German twist and in German with an English twist… but it's what I do 🙂


Ok, here we go: Do you sometimes find yourself in a rut of complaining…. seeing the negative in everything…. only noticing what you don't have and feeling sorry for yourself.

Ouch….. I know it's not very pretty, but I experienced that even some very advanced and wise human beings suffer from this at times. So if it makes you feel better……you are not alone, it’s called… being human 🙂


Can you be open to the fact that everything in the universe is energy? Our body is energy, our thoughts and feelings are energy and everything around us as well. All of life is energy vibrating at different frequencies. Scientific research tells us that we attract the same energy we put out. It's a quantum physics law and it could be what the Buddhists call Karma.


Yes… I know it sounds a bit abstract, but I chose to trust that it's true, even if my mind would like to dissect it and scream: where is the proof? I want proof ! But proof or not it's better to be safe and try to generate good feelings and positive energy to attract more of the good stuff. What do you think?


Keeping this in mind it makes sense, that if we are negative we attract more of the same “energy shit” to us and if we are positive we attract more of the positive people and events towards us. Very simple isn’t it…. but how can we use this in a practical way to improve our lives?


For some people negativity is like an addiction, they dive into it…. for some lucky others it’s easy to be positive. It depends on how they are wired and what was experienced throughout life.


Depending on what's going on in the world some people are easily affected by those energies. Especially for "emotional sponges, or empaths, it's hard to stay positive, because of their sensitivity to energy.


If you are sensitive, you can be affected by the moon, how someone talks to you, the weather, the impatient driver behind you flipping you off, or being in crowds. The good news is that there are few simple practices that can be learned and practiced in order to help you be more positive.


Simple Tips To Be More Positive


  • Skip the news

  • Smile more

  • Read nourishing books

  • Surround yourself with positive people

  • Allow yourself time to play

  • Make time to do things you love to do

  • Turn a poster into your favorite quote

  • Eat good, healthy food

  • Meditate

  • Exercise and get fresh air

  • Affirmations

  • Gratitude


Zap tolerations, at all cost….. avoid people and things that drain your energy. This could be one of the most important tips that I can give you. Even if it’s hard… if someone close to you makes you feel bad and drains your energy, let them go, or at least limit your exposure to them. Skip the news, it’s more helpful for the planet, if you add positive energy to your environment than to know all the horrors going on in the world. It's called self care.


Meditation will help you to become more aware of what’s going on in your mind. This simple awareness will give you the choice to practice a different way of thinking.

One of the improvements after practicing meditation was; that I knew I have a chance to interrupt my trail of thoughts and change them. Very simple but powerful.


  • I will share my very simple meditation with you. I sit down on a chair or a cushion in a quiet place and start breathing, I just keep breathing and imagine breathing in calm and happiness and breathing out negativity. Sometimes I visualize the positive as pink light and warm energy and the negativity as dark brown and cold energy. I do this for five minutes and longer if I have more time….. just breathing, not getting drawn into thoughts…..easy enough?                                                                                             

Affirmations are very simple to help you generate positive energy. Do you remember this guy; Stuart Smalley from "Saturday Night Life?" He said his affirmations in front of a mirror and it was hilarious. Watch the video below it will make you laugh. The key about affirmations is… create them in present time, starting with I am. It's how you would like to feel and what you would like to feel in the NOW. For example…..

  • I love and accept myself
  • I trust the universe
  • I am healthy and happy
  • I have everything I need and more
  • Every cell of my body is vibrant and healthy
  • Good things are coming to me


But fun aside, affirmations and gratitude work very well when you are not feeling great. They will generate the feeling of love in your body and they are simple enough to remember and practice. Keep reminding yourself with “posts it notes” placed in strategic place: your car, fridge, bathroom mirror, any strategic places that you visit more often.


Another very helpful strategy is an accountability partner, a dedicated friend who you can check in

with, when you need to know that all is well and the emotions will pass……

Of course this is one of the reasons that a coach can be a blessings, someone who reminds you of your gifts and assets and who believes in you even if you don’t…and yes sometimes a coach has to challenge you…………If you would like to try my  "coaching experience" session, which is is my gift to you, just Click this link to find out more

One last thing…please smile more….

I wish you a wonderful week and please leave a comment to let us know what helps YOU to come out of a negative rut.


Have fun with Stuart

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