Dem Verstand Urlaub Geben


dem Verstand Urlaub geben

Dem Verstand Urlaub Geben

Wie soll das denn bitte gehen?! Der Verstand ist ein wunderbares Werkzeug, um Fakten zu sortieren, Pläne zu erstellen, zu vergleichen und so weiter. Er ist aber nicht geeignet, stimmige Lebensentscheidungen zu treffen, da er nur aus dem schöpfen kann, was schon im Programm unseres Computers, unserer Erfahrung, gespeichert ist. Wenn wir etwas Neues machen wollen, ist es noch nicht gespeichert. Dann läuten im Verstand direkt die Alarmglocken.

Diesen Alarm fühlst du dann als Angst oder Vorsicht. Meistens wird dann die schöne Idee vom Traumleben wieder in die Schublade „vielleicht irgendwann einmal“ einsortiert und vergessen”. Es ist ein spiritueller, metaphysischer Prozess, der von unserem Verstand nicht verstanden wird. Der Intellekt sagt einfach: „So ein Quatsch, das geht nicht, Zeitverschwendung, mach lieber was Vernünftiges, putz die Küche, geh einkaufen!“ oder: „Nichts wie auf die Couch und fernsehen!“

Kennst du diese Stimme? Also einfach loslegen, nicht nachdenken, einfach reinfühlen. Du musst nur anfangen und der Rest wird sich ergeben … glaub einfach dran. Vertraue dem Universum. Den Verstand kann man austricksen indem man spielerisch ist und einfach experimentiert. Es ist nicht nötig zu überlegen wie sich Neues im Leben manifestiert.

Alles wird sich wie ein Puzzle entwickeln, du musst es nicht wissen. Zum Beispiel: Wenn du eine bestimmte Karriere verfolgen willst, wirst du vielleicht jemanden treffen, der dir weiterhelfen kann oder der jemanden kennt, der dir weiterhelfen kann. Diesen Vorgang nennt man auch Synchronizität. Du wirst den Weg nicht im Vorhinein kennen, aber er wird sich dir zeigen, Schritt für Schritt … aber man braucht Vertrauen.

Also übe dich im Vertrauen, das wird alles ändern, ich verspreche es dir.

Hier ein paar Tips:

  • Ich gestalte Bilder mit Wörtern die mir helfen immer daran zu denken was wichtig ist. Ich nenne diese Kreationen auch Power Mantras. Diese Power Mantras hängen an vielen Plätzen meiner Wohnung und erinnern mich an das Wichtige im Leben. Es ist auch so etwas wie die Kurzversion eines Visionboards.
  • Was du dazu brauchst: ein Bildbearbeitungsprogram und Photos, deine Eigenen oder du kannst sie von einer webseite runterladen, wie zum Beispiel: Fotolia oder Pixabay, oder hier auch einige Deutsche Anbieter. Photoshop ist natürlich auch super. Unten ein Beispiel




  • Eine Erinnerung auf deinem Phone einstellen
  • Du kannst natürlich auch eine app runterladen und diese Power Mantras auf deinem Smartphone kreieren

Experimentiere einfach, erlaube dir kreativ zu sein…Hast du Ideen wie man sonst noch Vertrauen üben kann? Bitte teile deine Ideen mit uns.

Hier ist noch ein kleines Geschenk für dich!!! Mein Buch über Visionboards: Die Kraft eines Visionboards – Spielerisch Träume und Ziele verwirklichen, ist endlich auch in Deutsch erhältlich. Einfach den Link  oder das Buch klicken, dann deinen Namen und deine E-Mail eintragen. Danach wird dir der Link zum Buch zugeschickt, den kannst du dann einfach runterladen. Viel Spass und happy manifesting 🙂


Dive Into A Great New Life


dive into a great new life

Dive Into A Great New Life

Hello my friends, yes I am talking to YOU!  Are you ready to dive? Are you sick and tired of life the way it is and would like to explore something new?

So what happens to women over 40?

As long as the children are at home everything seems to be ok, but as soon as they leave, this nagging " what's next, or is this all there is," is knocking on the door.

Sometimes dramatic things happen, the marriage might not be working anymore, maybe death took a partner, maybe the career YOU had for a long time just isn't fulfilling enough, it’s too stressful, or maybe it's just this dream, that has been dangling out there and now it's time to pursue it……………………

What is it for YOU?

YOU might realize that life is short and even when YOU are successful and have all the material things, it might not satisfy YOUR heart’s desire. It's a time of searching and evaluating and it can be very confusing and crazy making. I know it was for me.

I remember going in spirals from the time I was 50, I tried several things, thought it was a good idea at the time but it really wasn’t.

Like a miracle, in the end every little piece of the puzzle brought me to where I am today. A huge part of finally getting there was to trust my intuition and learn to listen to the quiet hints and iintuitions I would get.

Well this might not apply to everybody, but I know it applies to lots of women. I have been talking to lots of them in Germany and the US, we talk at meetings, at events, on social media and so on.

If YOU are interested, I tell YOU a little bit about my time of searching and what I came up with: I had my first experience with life coaching when I was 50, I was fascinated but somehhow I forgot about it again and started doing other things. YOU know they were kind of practical, but not expressing my passion.

Somehow, when I was 57, I started taking classes at CoachVille to learn better communication skills, then I noticed oh, I love this life coaching thing and so I pursued a career as a professional life coach.

I realized that being immersed into deep, life changing conversations makes me come alive. It’s the most inspiring environment for me. Working with a coach has been a life changing experience in my life.

He helps me to focus on essentials, to value myself, keeps me on track, inspires me, believes in me and we also have a lot of fun designing a life and business game that works for me and my nature. I learned that I don't have to do it alone, what a freaking relief that was…………..:-)

Just in case YOU wonder why I’m telling YOU all this: it’s because when most people are left to their own devices it’s very hard to make changes. The bigger the game is, that we want to play in life, the more challenges appear, accompanied by fear and resistance.

If we think we have to do it all alone, most of us don’t do it…and yes, that's the end of the dream.

Don't let that happen!

A coach will help YOU to get out of YOUR own minds, help YOU to be aware of the possibilities, reminds YOU of YOUR potential, champion YOU through the challenges, believe in YOU when YOU don’t and helps to design actions that will get results.

PS: I just designed a new “Dive Into A Great New Life” experience, which will provide great value for YOU. It’s not one session but two and it’s my gift to you, wohooooooooo.

Let me give YOU an idea what we will do and to say the least I am very excited about offering it

Session one: Together we will determine what it is that “something” that you wanted to do for a long time?

Assignment in between session: I will give you instructions on how to make a powerful vision board.

Session two: We will discuss the vision board and look at YOUR environment to find out:

  • What needs to be eliminated,
  • What needs to be transformed 
  • What needs to be added in order to support your success.

YOU will get a sheet which will help you with the needed upgrade to your environment.

This could be a powerful first step to dive into a great life and this experience is my gift to YOU, e mail me  at to schedule YOUR time, YOU will need 2 times 30 minutes.

PS: I will be on a meditation retreat until 8/17, so you will not hear from me until the 18th.


Simple Tips To Find What You Love To Do Part 1

simple tips to find what you love to do

Simple Tips To Find What You Love To Do Part 1

What do you love to do? What a huge question. So many of us are walking around and do not have a clue. If you don't know what your passion is, life can be pretty uninspired, it actually can be a drag. Life without passion and magic is stale and creates unhappy, resentful people.

That's one reason; gambling, shopping, excessive working; drugs and alcohol are so popular, because these substances create the illusion of bliss and fun. The illusion works for a while, but eventually it stops working and then……..   I know I've been there, I went through the illusion and I crashed. I had to do a lot of soul searching and ask the universe: Who and what do you want me to be? It took quite a while of listening but eventually the puzzle pieces came together. People with passions are more content and happier. This is not only good for us but good for our friends, families and the world. Do you agree?

As children we all instinctively know what we love to do, we get blissfully absorbed in the activity of play. But as we grow up and go to school we learn that other things are more important and we get drilled to fit in. Creativity and individuality get lost. The good news is: we all have this creativity inside of us; it just needs to be uncovered from deep inside of us. We have to find the hidden drawer and finally open it. The content of the drawer will be play, creativity, fun and beautiful life energy and we with it find the possibility to create a beautiful fabulous life.

If you would like to find out, start with these simple things.

  • Ask yourself the question: What do I love to do?
  • Simple meditation
  • Keep a journal and write down whatever comes up
  • Make a vision board

I know this sounds very simple, but it's effective. Do it every day and be aware of what comes up. Next week I will have some more tips for you, Have fun! Let's be happy and let's change the world to be a better place, by starting with ourselves. Vision boards are great tools to find our creative muse, if you like check some of the videos below. The meditation video is very helpful. One more fantastic book to read is the artist way by Julia Cameron, it's my bible 🙂

More instructions about:" how to make a vision board" watch the videos below


This custom meditation will help you get into the creative zone


This vision board will help you attract your ideal relationship


How to express your creativity

Be Creative And Empower Your Life – Make a Vision Board

Be Creative And Empower Your Life  Make a Vision Board

Be Creative And Empower Your Life – Make a Vision Board

Hi, Marita here, I hope YOU are well and will find a little bit of inspiration, or a glimpse of hope in this post. Today I want to share one of my favorite tools with YOU, the process of making a vision board. I have to admit, I am a vision board junkie once I start I cannot stop. But what the heck, to get lost in creativity is a good thing and it's healthy, better than to get lost in drama, resentments, drugs or alcohol………. I know, I've been there 🙂

I just completed a whole wall in my new apartment in Germany. All my beautiful art is in boxes in California, so my designer friend had the splendit idea to transform some walls into vision walls. MY first wall is about 10 feet long by 5 feet tall. I look at it and it makes me laugh, I look at the paint brush loaded with paint and I want to paint……. I look at all the wonderful people and it  inspires the wish to organize a community of like minded people. The wish brews to help transform peoples lives, by inpiring hope and possibility that DREAMS are not frivolous, but are our birthright.

Three questions to ask yourself before YOU start.

  • Where am I
  • Where do I want to be
  • What do I need to do

A vision board is a roadmap to your dreams, to help YOU find out what YOU would love to do and get in touch with YOUR life purpose.  The great news is that YOU have the answer inside of YOU…. the bad new is: it's not obvious, but hidden inside the subconscious mind. Please don't despair, because a vision board is a magical tool that can help YOU to get access to the unconscious and will find the answers and motivation to keep YOU focused on YOUR dreams and goals.

Do I hear YOU say: this is too simple it cannot work for me, my life is complicated? I know, I had the same thought in my head. Accept the voice, but let it know that you want to try it anyway, While working and training in the field of human potential and spirituality, I learned to not listen to the "dreambuster" in my head, but to be willing to do it anyway. I actually would say that this has been the highest achievement over the last 10 years of transformation: to be open, to believe in possibility and to do it anyway.

To be creative, is to be in YOUR element, to be in your zone of joy and contentment, to express the gift you came into this world for. It's a happy place to be. Can you imagine to be able to enjoy this state of being and to empower your life at the same time? Make a vision board it's empowering, it's very creative and it's fun! Vision boards are collages with intentions, they can be simple and they can get very artistic and elaborate. A hand drawn creation can be just as effective as the more complicated, layered collages.

What matters is the intentions YOU have and how meaningful these intentions are in YOUR life and for others. If YOU have an intention of becoming a millionaire, that's fine, but it might not really inspire YOU to do the steps required and your subconscious mind might not be motivated enough to spring into action to help get YOU there. The key is: YOU need to be inspired to get your subconscious mind into action!

So make it juicy, be inspired about something worthwhile. YOU do not have to save the world, but try and find something that inspires positive change, maybe in YOUR circle of friends, or neighborhood. Let YOUR heart speak and bring love to the world, might just be enough already!

What you need to make a vision board

  • Glue sticks or yes paste
  • Scissors
  • Posterboard
  • Your choice of magazines
  • Printed images (optional)
  • Patience
  • Trust
  • Willingness

How to make a vision board

  • Start with a 5 minute meditation
  • Listen to your favorite music
  • Tear out the images that inspire you
  • Start attaching the images onto the board
  • Finish with inspiring words

What To do With a Vision Board

  • Hang the vision board where you can see it
  • Look at it as much as you can
  • Feel the images
  • Believe that you can achieve your dreams

By Making a vision board YOU take inspired action, it's a tool to "create your life your way". Let me know how it's going 🙂

Please enjoy my custom meditation to get YOU into the creative zone. The meditation is lead by my healer friend Marcela Manesis.


How to make a vision board to attract the perfect partner


Visualisation Exercises

how to visualize

Visualization Exercises

Do you have a problem with visualization?

Don't know how to visualize?

No problem, I found some easy to do visualization exercises for YOU.

It's interesting how many people have a hard time with visualization. "Our intellect tends to complicate everything." It can be the most simple thing and our mind makes it complicated, can you relate? 🙂

Visualization is an intuitive process and not very logical. You just do it and by practicing the principles you will get more comfortable with the process. The most important step is: leave logic out of it and just do it! Some people see very clearly and some do not, I sure don't, but I have strong feelings. I imagine I see things and that works too.

Visualization is important if you want to achieve your life dreams and life goals. It will help you to create the life of YOUR dreams.

I found this article by Brian Tracy, "The Master of Efficiency" very helpful, especially for  people who need more instructions and answers.

Visualization Exercises in 4 Easy Steps

How Often?

The first aspect of visualization is frequency. This is the number of times that you visualize yourself performing in an excellent way, in a particular event or circumstance, to achieve a particular goal. The more frequently you repeat a clear mental picture of your very best performance or result, the more rapidly it will appear as part of your reality.

How Long?

The second element of visualization is the duration of the mental image, the length of time that you can hold the picture in your mind each time you replay it. When you deeply relax, you can often hold a mental picture of yourself performing at your best for several seconds, and even several minutes. The longer you can hold your mental picture, the more deeply it will be impressed into your subconscious mind and the more rapidly it will express itself in your subsequent performance.

How Clearly?

The third element of visualization is vividness. There is a direct relationship between how clearly you can see your desired goal or result in your mind and how quickly it comes into your reality. This element of visualization is what explains the powers of the Law of Attraction and the Law of Correspondence. The vividness of your desire directly determines how quickly it materializes in the world around you.
 Here is an interesting point: When you set a new goal for yourself, your image or picture of this goal will usually be vague and fuzzy. But the more often you write it, review it, and repeat it mentally, the clearer it becomes for you. Eventually, it will become crystal clear. At that point, the goal will suddenly appear in your world exactly as you imagined it.

How Intensely?

The fourth element of visualization is intensity, the amount of emotion that you attach to your visual image. In reality, this is the most important and powerful part of the visualization process. Sometimes, if your emotion is intense enough and your visual image is clear enough, you will immediately achieve it.

Of course, the elements of frequency, duration, vividness, and intensity can help you or hurt you. Like nature, the power of visualization is neutral. Like a two-edged sword, it can cut in either direction. It can either make you a success or make you a failure. Visualization brings you whatever you vividly and intensely imagine, whether good or bad.

Action Exercise

Continually feed your mind with clear, exciting, emotional pictures. Remember, your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions. Learn how to accomplish all of your goals here.

Great advice and great tips, thank you Brian.

Visualization and goal settings are 2 of the most important ingredients in order to create success. It's also very helpful to create a vision board, it will help you with the visualization process. Keep in mind that the more you practice, the easier and more effective it gets. The only way to mess it up is by not doing it, so get started NOW.

Do you have any other visualization techiques? Please share them with us and leave a comment 🙂

What to Do When Life Gets Challenging


Sometimes everything goes wrong, people leave us, appliances break down, cars break down, accidents happen, people don't do what you want them to do….. and on it goes.

One way would be to run away, (or we could) but that would not work. So what can be done? A change of attitude can make a huge difference and it will empower your life.Description:

For example you cannot change the fact that something broke, but you can let go of being upset about it and focus on the solution: What can you do to fix it, yes it might cost money, it might cost time, but nothing changes the fact that it is broken, it is what it is. The sooner you stop focusing on the problem the faster you will feel better. It's a change in attitude that will make the difference.

Do you know people who keep obsessing about "the problem" for a long time? They talk about it to everybody they know and the energy gets bigger and bigger and the problem too. It totally depletes the energy reserves.

One way to stop it is to become aware of the fact and just stop and breathe in and out, it will shift the energy instantly. Sure it takes some practice to get there, but especially with a regular meditation practice it will become a habit very soon, if that is what you want.

Some  tips that will help you

  • Focus on what is working
  • Nurture yourself
  • Be grateful for what you have
  • Don't give up

These are simple things to do and they will help you to feel better. Create some simple cards with positive words to remind you of good things and remember this too shall pass. It always does, you just have to go with the flow and do the best you can. One other thing that works great is to set reminders on your phone with positive messages a few times a day, they will make you smile. It's also a great time to make a vision board, which will help you focus on what you want and empower your life.

Try some of these tips and let me know how they work:-)


What The Heck Is An Afformation?

Lavender-fiield_n-229x300What the heck is an affirmation and what does it have to do with a vision board? If you think afformation is mistyped, let me assure you: it is not.

There are affirmations and afformations, read the article below by Noah St John and you will understand the difference and why afformations are even more effective than affirmations.  Well I actually do both versions it keeps my mind busy with positive stuff. For a vision board to be effective it is necessary to believe that we can achieve what we want and to find a way for our unconscious to achieve our life goals, so how we phrase it of most importance.

Noah St. John is the Author of more about Noah at the end of this post

We all know that an “affirmation” is a statement of something you want to be true in your life. So an example of a traditional “affirmation” might be: “I am rich.”All right, let’s try it. Say to yourself right now, “I am rich.” Did you hear what just happened in your mind? A voice… a voice that said: “Yeah, right!”

The plain truth is that most of us don’t believe our own “affirmations”. Why? Because we’re trying to convince ourselves of something we don’t believe is true.

Now, traditional success teachers realized that you may not believe your “affirmations”. So they told us to repeat our “affirmations” a thousand…er, million…uh, kajillion times until you eventually, um, believe them.

Have you ever said positive “affirmations” (for example, “I am rich, I’m happy, I have enough”)… and then had… Absolutely nothing happen?

Me too. And about a gazillion other people. I was in the shower one morning, thinking about how the human mind is always in the process of asking and seeking the answers to questions.

For example, if I asked you, “Why is the sky blue?” – instantly, your brain would start searching for the answer. So I asked myself, “If the human mind is always asking and searching for the answers to questions, why are we going around making statements we don’t believe? Why don’t we cut out the middleman?”

Then I asked, “What would that look like?” I realized that if we make a statement (“affirmation”) that says, “I am rich” and our brain replies, “Yeah, right!” the question might look something like this: why am I so rich?

Come again?

Why am I so rich?

Try it. Right now, ask yourself, “Why am I so rich?” What’s your brain doing right now? Searching for the answer!

Remember Universal Law – “As you sow, so shall you reap”. Most people are unconsciously asking lousy questions, like: “Why am I such a loser? Why can’t I do anything right? How come I’m so lonely?


Why don’t I have enough money?” Guess what they reap? The fruits of what they’ve sown! And that’s how, on that fateful morning, I discovered and named the process of using afformations. Afformations are my discovery of empowering questions (NOT “affirmations”) that cause your mind to focus on what you really want, and stop focusing on what you don’t want.

Here are some examples of Afformations that my students have used with amazing results:

Why am I allowed to be, do and have all that I want in life?

Brandon, an insurance salesman in Salt Lake City who’d spent $30,000 on self-help programs with few results, started using this Afformation in May. In 30 days, his sales tripled – and by the end of the year, his revenues had increased more than 560% and he was named Agent of the Year.

Why do I lose weight so easily?

Monee had tried every diet program out there, but couldn’t lose weight. She began using this Afformation – and lost 20 pounds in 60 days without stress or dieting.

And one of my favorite Afformation stories…

Why am I so enchanting?

7-year-old Adrienne from Alabama came home crying to her mother, Joan, sobbing, “Why does everyone hate me?” Joan, who had read my books, told Adrienne, “Honey, you’re asking the wrong question!” She explained Afformations to her daughter, who started afforming, “Why am I so enchanting?”

Adrienne would repeat her Afformation over and over, out loud. Then one day, she came home from school with a picture one of her classmates had drawn – it was a heart with two little girls holding hands that read, “I’m so glad we’re friends!” When I asked Joan how long it had taken for Adrienne’s transformation to take place, she told me – less than one week!

Afformations are an incredibly powerful method I’ve taught people since 1997 to change your questions and change your life. In Part Two of this series, I’ll show you the simple 4-step Afformations Method to manifest anything you really want twice as fast with half the effort. So check back tomorrow for that one.

Noah St. John, Ph.D. is Founder of and inventor of Afformations. He’s also the author of the new book The Secret Code of Success: 7 Hidden Steps to More Wealth and Happiness (Collins). You can get the first three chapters of Noah’s Secret Code Book (free) and connect with other Secret Code readers at For a 60-Second Afformation Stress Buster (free), go to

I think it's a great principle, I tried it and it is easy enough to practice. I suggest if you want to be happy and live in abundance, this is a worth a try, what can you loose? All these simple practices help to reprogram our limited thinking and replace it with positive thinking. We can do what we want to do, we can be successful and we have the power to create our lives. We can create our lives, we just have to believe in it.


Do you have an inspiring story you would like to share? I am looking for guest bloggers:

Who? women over 40 who changed their lives and finally allowed themselves to do do what they love to do.

What? Either a blog post about the change or a good vision board story. Click here for more information.



Great Tips On Making Your Dreams Come True

Great video by Jack Canfield, he is one of the pioneers in positive thinking. If you feel your life is not working and you are really tired of it, watch this video. Jack always has some great simple tips that can will help you create your life, help you make your dreams come true and achieve your life goals. Learn a new habit and practice it every day, inspire your creative-self. Every day is the key, not once in while, not only when you remember, it has to be on a regular basis, in order for it to work.  Most of the things we learned growing up, are not helpful any more, so it's a good idea to replace old patterns, which are not working with new patterns that are working. You want to be happy? This is a way to happiness, it requires work but it's worth it. Create a vision board, keep a running journal of what you desire.


Creating a vision board and using a vision board as much as possible is also a great practice to focus on the things you want. The more time we spend focusing on the things we want, the more things will manifest in your life. It's a way for your unconscious to find ways to find ways to manifest your dreams.

Do you have an inspiring story you would like to share? I am looking for guest bloggers:

Who? women over 40 who changed their lives and finally allowed themselves to do do what they love to do.

What? Either a blog post about the change or a good vision board story. Click here for more information.





Women_cropped-300x206My new creative adventure: A membership site: Creative Life Now

"Nourish your spirit" is the motto. How to find joy and fulfillment in life, in a community of like minded women. Click the blue link, or the image to join our community of women at Creative Life Now. Are you looking for, support, friends, ideas, tips, motivation and inspiration? The subjects are: Creativity as meditation, Vision Boards, Collages and Creative Writing. Let's support each other and share ideas. A melting pot of experts in the fields of Creativity and Healing, Vision boards, Collages and Creative Writing and women seeking expert advice and inspiration.


Being Authentic Helps To Achieve Your Lifegoals

314642_10150332410896299_69132076298_8348879_129818643_n-211x300I learned one important thing over the last few years of transformation:  To be aware of my thoughts and actions.  Lately  I noticed that I have lots of judgements coming up, not big ones but it still bothers me and makes me feel weak and kind of jucky.

So my practice is that as soon as I notice the judgement, I say to myself: I forgive myself  for my judgement and I really would like it if I would not judge people and things any more. I try one step at a time and I do it less and less, but it requires constant awareness.

The other thing is complaining, I do not like myself when I do it, it makes me feel bad, but it is such a habit, that it still sneaks  up on me. The practice is always the same, the key is to not beat yourself up, but be gentle and patient with your self.

This method works for all different kinds of habits, I use it like a game. It is important to know yourself if you want to be successful and achieve your goals, the more authentic you are the easier it is to achieve your dreams. Try it out!

What do you think? do you have a practice you would like to share? Please leave a comment below.