How To Turn Work Time Into Fun Time

How To Turn Worktime Into Funtime

How To Turn Work Time Into Fun Time

Hello my friends, how are YOU doing? I hope life is treating you well, or if that's not the case that you find a way to make the best of it.

Some people wait for retirement to have fun…. no no no don't do that, make it fun now 🙂

I am self-employed and work out of my home office, which is great, but sometimes I like to be around people. It’s so important to have fun at work and find ways to create an environment that inspires the creative juices to flow.

In the spirit of play I took myself to my favorite bookstore, ordered a cup of Cappuccino, and enjoyed the beautiful view of the old cathedral, the tall trees and the people streaming by below. The cloud formations floating across the sky were like pieces of art……….  

All this inspired me to write and I thought to myself: I am so lucky to be able to work like this. It was so easy to write, the words just kept flowing out of nowhere onto my paper.

Other times I go to the library to work on my laptop, which is another favorite place to have "fun at work." It’s a great place to take a break and look at books or magazines to get inspired in between.

Creativity and playtime need to be nurtured and it’s much more fun to work when creativity is flowing, so it’s important to come up with creative ways to do that. Sometimes we can’t draw it out of ourselves, but need to do little things to invite inspiration.

  • Meditation is a great way to get into the creative zone
  • Listen to your favorite music
  • Go for a walk in between to clear you head
  • Take regular breaks
  • Talk to some fun people

Some parts of work might not be fun……. period, but instead of complaining about it nonstop and giving it all this nasty, negative energy, try to make the best of it and change your perspective about it. YOU will see that it's a lot easier to just do it and then voila, it’s done. Now you just have to pat yourself on the back big time!

Mastermind groups of like minded, fun people are also a great way to have fun and get more ideas. We are communal beings and need the connectedness and exchange with others. This is a great way to practice connecting and exchanging………………Now I'm running out of ideas, the ball is in your court now 🙂

What helps YOU to have more fun at work? Please leave a comment to share your insight, we love to read it.


Oh, I almost forgot, check out my "Dive into a Great New Life Experience" it's my gift to you.

Two 45 minute coaching sessions, a fun assignment in between and a great follow up.

Just do it! It's never too late to have a great life 🙂

email me at to schedule your appointment


How A Vision Board Can Inspire Positive Change

How A Vision Board Can Inspire Positive Change

How A Vision Board Can Inspire Positive Change

Many of us have a problem with change. This is not good, because the fear of change is paralyzing. In order to move forward and move through challenges it's essential to be willing to face change. The only way to achieve new goals is to move through resistance and fear, there is no other way.

Why is it so scary? Everything we know feels kind of comfortable, even if it's not good for us, it's still comfortable. Because of this fear, women stay in bad marriages, in unfulfilling careers and in relationships with friends or family members that are not nurturing. 

We are scared to leave this comfort zone behind. I am thrilled to say that I could move through my resistance and if I could do it, anybody can!

What can be done?
â—¾ Be aware of the fact, that it's scary to do something new
â—¾Accept that you can only improve your situation if you change something
â—¾Make a vision board
â—¾Move through the discomfort and do it anyway
â—¾Acknowledge yourself for it, big time.

Why is it empowering to make a vision board?

A vision board is a great tool, when you feel stuck. It is one simple action step, when the energy is stagnant and you don't know what to do, which direction to move, which way to turn.  You cannot do anything wrong, all you can do is to get some ideas to move into a new direction.

This might not be the final direction, but it is movement and movement brings inspiration and ideas. Remember that life is always changing and in constant motion.

 There is nothing to hold on to, if you can get into the flow of change, your life will work out. You are one step closer to creating your life, and to achieve your life dreams.

What is a vision board?

A vision board is a collection of images glued to a board. The most important element is: that the images you choose have a deep meaning for you. You want to look at them and feel the delight in your body, in your abdomen or in your heart. Find images that make you feel successful, happy, in good health. Ask yourself the question:

What do I want in my life?

 A loving partner, a fulfilling career find images that make you feel like you are in your dream life, you have it, and you are it! Feel the vibration of these feelings. The feeling you have will help you draw the events, people and things into your life, your job is to feel and visualize them.

Now have fun and be creative with it.  Your board can be simple, or elaborate, it will not make a difference with the effectiveness. If you need more instructions check the YouTube videos below.

Let me know how it goes, I always love to read your comments and it helps others too.

Here some vision board instructions

How to find images

How to do do a simple layout

How to glue the images to the posterboard

guided meditation to get into the creative zone

Bring More Creativity And Play Into Your Life

Why is it important to play?

Our spirit loves to play and if we want to be guided and listen to our intuition, we need to be more playful. Unfortunately we were not taught to play, we learned to memorize and do as we were taught, we might even think of play as “frivolous”.
The other reason is: life is more fun. To be playful is to be creative, to be innovative, to be more adventurous, to be present, to be in the zone, to enjoy life to the fullest.

Routine is a killer to creativity and unfortunately most of us are run by our routines. I would even say that everything beyond the routine is outside of our comfort zone and feels kind of scary.

But with a little bit of awareness we can move beyond the discomfort and try something new. Why not finally take this new dance class, Italian cooking, or maybe go to a meet up group and get together with some new people who share the same interests. You will be surprised how good it feels.

Every time I do something beyond the routine.  I just want to jump around and sing, that’s how good it feels.  I like to go to the hots springs for a few days, or even simple little things, like going to a museum, a bookstore or a new coffee shop can be refreshing.

Local colleges are a great source of inspiration, they offer so many great classes, there is something for everybody. Sports, Art, culture, spirituality, you name it, they will offer something for you.

Do yourself a favor play more, and inspire people around you to do the same.

Watch this great video by Steve Keil: A Manifesto for Play

All About Mind Power

Marita here, I am obsessed with the power of mind, it is such an important part in the creating and power of vision boards and how to live a great life. If we learn to control our mind and use it to our benefit and not be used by it life will be a bowl of cherries. Great article, thanks to the Author for writing it.


do-wat-you-loveMind power is the ability to direct and focus the power of mind to create specific outcomes in life.

Mind power is not magic. Mind power is not about being able to make someone else do something they don't want to do. Mind Power is not about controlling another person's mind or imbedding your thoughts, beliefs, memories or images in another person's mind.

Mind power is personal. Mind power is something that you work with personally to create a specific outcome that you want.

When the mind is focused, directed and working toward a specific goal you begin to tap into the power of the mind. This kind of mind power works in conjunction with the subconscious mind. The mind can directly impact the subconscious mind with

thoughts and repeated phrases. This is the real power of the mind. It has the ability to interact with the subconscious mind.

Once you understand the power of the mind you can begin to develop your mind power.

You can begin to work with mind power to create specific outcomes that you want in life. There are specific techniques and methods that you can apply to develop mind power so that you are directing the power of your mind and subconscious mind to help

you achieve specific goals.

I outline all of these techniques in my free mind power e-course. All you have to do is register today and you'll also get my mind power mp3 download – which gives you all the techniques you need to direct your mind power so that you achieve the

success you want.

To work with mind power correctly you should pay attention to your thoughts and beliefs. Your thoughts and beliefs are the real power behind mind power. Because these shape your views on the world and eventually dictate what actions you will take. If you believe it's difficult to make money then you will take actions that make it difficult for you to make money. In this example – you're actually applying mind power to create what you don't want – more financial struggle.

Now you can turn things around and being applying mind power to make it easier for you to make money by changing your thoughts and beliefs.

You see your thoughts and beliefs are picked up by the subconscious mind. The subconscious then goes out and creates the situations that appeal to you that mirror what you believe and think.

The real power of the mind is in the ability to change those thoughts and change those beliefs. When you work with mind power you realize that you are in control of your mind. You have the power to change thoughts that don't help you succeed. You have the power to create new beliefs. Once you plant new thoughts and beliefs in your mind you begin to direct the power of your mind to work with your subconscious so that you enjoy greater success.

I hope this article was useful to you, I would like to end it with this quote:

"Men and women are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds.

– Franklin D. Roosevelt"

Now get out the poster board and use the creating power of your mind! Leave a comment and let me know how it goes.

Do you have a story you would like to share? I am looking for women over 40 who changed their lives and finally allowed themselves to do do what they love to do, or a good vision board story. Click here for more information.

Women_cropped-300x206"Nourish your spirit" is the motto. How to find joy and fulfillment in life.Click the blue link, or the image to join our community of women at Creative Life Now, my new membership site. Are you looking for creative community, ideas, tips, motivation and inspiration, how to find joy and fulfillment in life? Let's support each other and share ideas. A melting pot of experts and women seeking expert advice.

How Your Thinking Will Effect Your Life

Beware of how you feel and think, your life depends on it. This is a huge part of making a Vision Board work. What you focus on expands, or like energy attracts like energy. There is nothing woo woo about it. It's a quantum physics law.

CuoreCieloPositive emotions will change your reality, effecting what happens in your life and especially the condition of your body and mind. Since you attract conditions that reflect your thoughts and feelings, positive emotions create peace and happiness within your body and spirit.  Relaxation of stress and fear will start dissolving the blocks to your energy flow.

This is great and it is scary at the same time, because it is normal to constantly think negative thoughts but that's what we get in corresponding energy. So the most important action is: Be aware of what you think!

Negative emotions keep you angry, afraid and so full of frustration that you get ill and stay that way.

To achieve a state of well-being and improve your own health, practice feeling gratitude for what you already have in your life, for the people in your life, that you have a bed to sleep in, food to eat just this alone will develop a sense of humor, love and well being.

Improving your attitude and beliefs about yourself will increase your own power to heal yourself and attract good things into your life. For example believing that you will get well will start the process of actually getting well. Feeling the money you have coming in, even if it is not much will help to attract more, seeing yourself in the career you want to be in will help you get there and so on.

Do you get the strategy? Humor and play- fullness are required and do not try and understand it, just do it!

What do yo do in order to be more positive? Let me know leave a comment below.