Creating a Vision Board For Your Business

Creating a vision board for your business


Creating a Vision Board For Your Business


Creating a vision board for your business is a fun, creative and effective way to become clear about your intentions and it will help you discover, focus on and manifest your dreams.


It‘s way more fun than making a boring list and you can turn it into creative play. Playtime is always good isn't it?


Now let’s get started with a few questions!


("Play to Win" is one of my favorite coaching methods, it helps to change the attitude from having to work on something to a more enjoyful way of talking about things: "Play language" is an important part of it: business game stands for business goals, play your game for: work on your business, play to win for: achieve your goals.) 


What’s your bigger purpose?

In order to win your game in business, as well as in life, it's good to know why you want to play. Life is a lot better when you can enjoy business related tasks, don’t you think so?  Instead of saying: I have to do this social media posting and I hate it; you can practice saying: I will make some experiments with social media and see what happens…. If you find out that you still can’t enjoy it, you might want to hire someone who will do it for you. A positive attitude will help you win your game and have more fun.


  • What’s your bigger purpose?

  • What’s your desired outcome?

  • What actionsteps need to happen in order to get the desired results?


Sorry, I got a little sidetracked here, but now let’s come back to your purpose: why are you involved in this business?

  • What inspires you?

  • Who do you want to help,

  • Why do you want to do it?

  • How does it make you feel?


To be successful in business requires commitment and to be clear about your purpose will give you the energy to be inspired and motivated to play the game well and be persistant even through challenges.


Inspiration will be the fuel to propel you forward, so the more you can generate, the better it will be. It’s time well spent to be clear about your purpose.

When you have your purpose and it’s right for you, you will feel it in your body. That’s spirit letting you know:t you are on the right track 🙂


Examples for outcome could be:


  • Financial freedom

  • 10 new clients

  • A certain certification

  • $100000 the first year in sales

  • Many satisfied, happy clients


Just replace this with whatever it is that YOU want to achieve.


Now you need to know what action steps you need to do in order to achieve the results that will get you to the desired outcome.


  • Talk to people

  • Make proposals

  • Hire help

  • Complete certain projects (website, biz cards etc.)


Now you need to find images representing these items, be creative with it, let it flow.




  • Images, representing your purpose, clients, outcomes, activities and more

  • Posterboard

  • Gluestick

  • Scissors

  • Large marker


Browse through the magazines and rip out the images that appeal to you. This is not a logical process it's more intuitive, go by what feels juicy, it's a subconscious process.


You will find the images in magazines (Money, Oprah, Vogue, National Geographic), books, calendars, online, or use your own images and print them out.


Look for images of people representing your ideal customers. If you want to write a book you can create a cover with a simple image editing software like "pic monkey", or go to fiverr and get something made for $5. Make up your own checks written to you from companies you would like to receive checks from, make them large numbers. Find images of your ideal office space, in the location you would like to be, the view you would like to see…..


On my business vision board I normally paste a picture of myself in the center of the poster board, looking happy and successful, doing my favorite business task.


Once you have the images, lay them out on the posterboard until you like the look of it and start to glue them down.


When all this is done, you can finish up with inspiring and motivating words. You can write them onto the board or you can type the text and print it out.


  • I make a great living doing what I love to do.
  • I love my work and get paid royally for doing it.
  • I am happy and fulfilled with my work.   
  • I inspire and motivate others

When it's all done, hang it where you can look at it; in your office, above the desk would be the perfect place. In addition it's a good idea to take a photo of it, print and laminate a small version so you can have it in your purse. The more you look at it, the more you feel it, the more effective it will be. Remember: it's all energy and we attract the same energy into our lives that we send out.

Now I'm inspired and want to make my next one……….I hope you feel the same way, now have fun with it and good luck and play to win!!

Send me a picture of your vision board and let me know how it's going, if you have any questions,  just ask me….. and if you are interested in business coaching let me know and we can set up a time for you to try a session, how much fun is that!!!