Why Is It So Hard To Do New Things?
How do YOU feel when you desire to make changes in life. Do you feel ecstatic, do you feel anxious, or do you you feel neutral about it?
The fact is that changes are very hard for most people, that's why they rather stay in painful situations. Even if the change comes with the promise of a great life, it gets ignored and pushed onto the "famous back burner."
Do YOU know "someone" who stays in a miserable job, a bad marriage, hangs out with friends who are not a pleasure to be around, but holds on and on and complains and complains, but does not do anything about it?
Why is that? Sometimes the job isn't even paid well, so what the heck is going on? Could it be security, or better said the illusion of security? The job might be gone tomorrow, the company might be downsizing, the owner might be changing, the new boss might not like you. Job gone anyway…………………there is no security and it's better to face it.
Knowing this might help YOU with stepping out of YOUR comfort zone and experiment with new things. Maybe it's looking for another position, maybe it's finally creating the business YOU always wanted to have.
Yeah why not, it's good to face the fear head on and do it. Life is short and too precious to be lived in comfortable misery.
Find some helpful tips below, to be more courageous and start to initiate some life changes, even small ones.
Find a group of other people who want to do the same
Get some motivating inspiring books
Participate in some personal growth seminars
Get a coach
Don't tell you dream buster friends, you know the "ones" who don't dare and do not want their friends to dare either
It is very hard to do it alone, YOU need to have people who believe in YOU and support YOU. I myself initiated several major life changes in my life.
When I was 24 I moved from Germany to California, started 4 businesses. Around 52 I left my husband, started on a quest to find my life purpose and moved back to Germany when I was 58.
By the way in case YOU wonder….I found my life purpose
Every little step was scary as hell, but I did it and know that YOU can do it too.
Overcoming the fear and the resistance is the first step……………..This sounds weird but it's true, the fear and resistance will always be there, so there is nothing to get rid of or overcome. The only thing that can be done is to not let it stop YOU.
How can we do that?
Feel the fear, accept it welcome it and tell yourself that it's ok to try a little experiment, or venture out into new territory. It's ok, no lion will come and eat YOU
The more experiments YOU make the more empowered YOU will feel.
Really…. what do you have to lose, there is not security to hold on to, it’s an illusion.
Try a session with me and find out if YOU might get inspired to discover something new. Go to the contact tab and e mail me to schedule a 2 part session, it's my gift to you. I can't wait to meet YOU.