Simple Tips To Be More Positive

Simple Tips To Be More Positive

Simple Tips To Be More Positive

Dear friends, please forgive me that I write in English with a German twist and in German with an English twist… but it's what I do 🙂


Ok, here we go: Do you sometimes find yourself in a rut of complaining…. seeing the negative in everything…. only noticing what you don't have and feeling sorry for yourself.

Ouch….. I know it's not very pretty, but I experienced that even some very advanced and wise human beings suffer from this at times. So if it makes you feel better……you are not alone, it’s called… being human 🙂


Can you be open to the fact that everything in the universe is energy? Our body is energy, our thoughts and feelings are energy and everything around us as well. All of life is energy vibrating at different frequencies. Scientific research tells us that we attract the same energy we put out. It's a quantum physics law and it could be what the Buddhists call Karma.


Yes… I know it sounds a bit abstract, but I chose to trust that it's true, even if my mind would like to dissect it and scream: where is the proof? I want proof ! But proof or not it's better to be safe and try to generate good feelings and positive energy to attract more of the good stuff. What do you think?


Keeping this in mind it makes sense, that if we are negative we attract more of the same “energy shit” to us and if we are positive we attract more of the positive people and events towards us. Very simple isn’t it…. but how can we use this in a practical way to improve our lives?


For some people negativity is like an addiction, they dive into it…. for some lucky others it’s easy to be positive. It depends on how they are wired and what was experienced throughout life.


Depending on what's going on in the world some people are easily affected by those energies. Especially for "emotional sponges, or empaths, it's hard to stay positive, because of their sensitivity to energy.


If you are sensitive, you can be affected by the moon, how someone talks to you, the weather, the impatient driver behind you flipping you off, or being in crowds. The good news is that there are few simple practices that can be learned and practiced in order to help you be more positive.


Simple Tips To Be More Positive


  • Skip the news

  • Smile more

  • Read nourishing books

  • Surround yourself with positive people

  • Allow yourself time to play

  • Make time to do things you love to do

  • Turn a poster into your favorite quote

  • Eat good, healthy food

  • Meditate

  • Exercise and get fresh air

  • Affirmations

  • Gratitude


Zap tolerations, at all cost….. avoid people and things that drain your energy. This could be one of the most important tips that I can give you. Even if it’s hard… if someone close to you makes you feel bad and drains your energy, let them go, or at least limit your exposure to them. Skip the news, it’s more helpful for the planet, if you add positive energy to your environment than to know all the horrors going on in the world. It's called self care.


Meditation will help you to become more aware of what’s going on in your mind. This simple awareness will give you the choice to practice a different way of thinking.

One of the improvements after practicing meditation was; that I knew I have a chance to interrupt my trail of thoughts and change them. Very simple but powerful.


  • I will share my very simple meditation with you. I sit down on a chair or a cushion in a quiet place and start breathing, I just keep breathing and imagine breathing in calm and happiness and breathing out negativity. Sometimes I visualize the positive as pink light and warm energy and the negativity as dark brown and cold energy. I do this for five minutes and longer if I have more time….. just breathing, not getting drawn into thoughts…..easy enough?                                                                                             

Affirmations are very simple to help you generate positive energy. Do you remember this guy; Stuart Smalley from "Saturday Night Life?" He said his affirmations in front of a mirror and it was hilarious. Watch the video below it will make you laugh. The key about affirmations is… create them in present time, starting with I am. It's how you would like to feel and what you would like to feel in the NOW. For example…..

  • I love and accept myself
  • I trust the universe
  • I am healthy and happy
  • I have everything I need and more
  • Every cell of my body is vibrant and healthy
  • Good things are coming to me


But fun aside, affirmations and gratitude work very well when you are not feeling great. They will generate the feeling of love in your body and they are simple enough to remember and practice. Keep reminding yourself with “posts it notes” placed in strategic place: your car, fridge, bathroom mirror, any strategic places that you visit more often.


Another very helpful strategy is an accountability partner, a dedicated friend who you can check in

with, when you need to know that all is well and the emotions will pass……

Of course this is one of the reasons that a coach can be a blessings, someone who reminds you of your gifts and assets and who believes in you even if you don’t…and yes sometimes a coach has to challenge you…………If you would like to try my  "coaching experience" session, which is is my gift to you, just Click this link to find out more

One last thing…please smile more….

I wish you a wonderful week and please leave a comment to let us know what helps YOU to come out of a negative rut.


Have fun with Stuart

Spring Cleaning To Empower and Renew Yourself


Spring Cleaning To Empower and Renew Yourself

Spring Cleaning To Empower and Renew Yourself

The secret of getting started is breaking complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” ~Mark Twain

Yipppeeee, it's spring again, time to get the cobwebs out of your minds and homes, it sometimes even helps to get unstuck. Spring cleaning is a simple task to refresh and renew your senses. Sometimes you will feel like new after the spring cleaning. So put your favorite music on, use natural cleaning soaps and bring "happy energy" to the task. Go through your drawers, cabinets and closets.  Take a few boxes, or bags and label them.

  • Donation
  • Second Hand Store
  • Trash

Things that have not been used in a while can be donated or when something is more valuable and you need the money give it to a second hand store. After you've gone through everything it's time to take the boxes into the car to make sure they don't go back into the closet. (We know what you're like) 🙂 Step one completed, now let's start with step two.

Spring Cleaning:

Vacuum everything, wash the windows, remove the cobwebs, dust the furniture, mop with Meyer's lemon soap, wipe the shelves. Ahhh, it feels good already, now new things can come into your life and here is why: According to Feng Shui, clutter is low, stagnant, blocked energy that drains energy from you and lowers the quality of your life. As soon as you get rid of the clutter in your life you create space for something new to come in………….. how wonderful is that!

Now that you've done your home it's time to "declutter you". Take a bath with 6 cups of apple cider vinegar, which will draw the negative energy out of your body and energy field, it also softens your skin. Let go of all the old stuff that is bothering you, say good bye to the anger, hurt and disappointment. Why is it a good idea to let go of it? These negative feelings are like cobwebs in your mind, you want to make room for something new, happy and exiting feelings!

When done, get your favorite essential oil and diffuse it. Now sit in your favorite chair or sofa and just reflect. Enjoy the feeling of well being and know that you created it!

If you have any tips on spring cleaning, share them with us and leave a comment below.

Creating a Vision Board For Your Business

Creating a vision board for your business


Creating a Vision Board For Your Business


Creating a vision board for your business is a fun, creative and effective way to become clear about your intentions and it will help you discover, focus on and manifest your dreams.


It‘s way more fun than making a boring list and you can turn it into creative play. Playtime is always good isn't it?


Now let’s get started with a few questions!


("Play to Win" is one of my favorite coaching methods, it helps to change the attitude from having to work on something to a more enjoyful way of talking about things: "Play language" is an important part of it: business game stands for business goals, play your game for: work on your business, play to win for: achieve your goals.) 


What’s your bigger purpose?

In order to win your game in business, as well as in life, it's good to know why you want to play. Life is a lot better when you can enjoy business related tasks, don’t you think so?  Instead of saying: I have to do this social media posting and I hate it; you can practice saying: I will make some experiments with social media and see what happens…. If you find out that you still can’t enjoy it, you might want to hire someone who will do it for you. A positive attitude will help you win your game and have more fun.


  • What’s your bigger purpose?

  • What’s your desired outcome?

  • What actionsteps need to happen in order to get the desired results?


Sorry, I got a little sidetracked here, but now let’s come back to your purpose: why are you involved in this business?

  • What inspires you?

  • Who do you want to help,

  • Why do you want to do it?

  • How does it make you feel?


To be successful in business requires commitment and to be clear about your purpose will give you the energy to be inspired and motivated to play the game well and be persistant even through challenges.


Inspiration will be the fuel to propel you forward, so the more you can generate, the better it will be. It’s time well spent to be clear about your purpose.

When you have your purpose and it’s right for you, you will feel it in your body. That’s spirit letting you know:t you are on the right track 🙂


Examples for outcome could be:


  • Financial freedom

  • 10 new clients

  • A certain certification

  • $100000 the first year in sales

  • Many satisfied, happy clients


Just replace this with whatever it is that YOU want to achieve.


Now you need to know what action steps you need to do in order to achieve the results that will get you to the desired outcome.


  • Talk to people

  • Make proposals

  • Hire help

  • Complete certain projects (website, biz cards etc.)


Now you need to find images representing these items, be creative with it, let it flow.




  • Images, representing your purpose, clients, outcomes, activities and more

  • Posterboard

  • Gluestick

  • Scissors

  • Large marker


Browse through the magazines and rip out the images that appeal to you. This is not a logical process it's more intuitive, go by what feels juicy, it's a subconscious process.


You will find the images in magazines (Money, Oprah, Vogue, National Geographic), books, calendars, online, or use your own images and print them out.


Look for images of people representing your ideal customers. If you want to write a book you can create a cover with a simple image editing software like "pic monkey", or go to fiverr and get something made for $5. Make up your own checks written to you from companies you would like to receive checks from, make them large numbers. Find images of your ideal office space, in the location you would like to be, the view you would like to see…..


On my business vision board I normally paste a picture of myself in the center of the poster board, looking happy and successful, doing my favorite business task.


Once you have the images, lay them out on the posterboard until you like the look of it and start to glue them down.


When all this is done, you can finish up with inspiring and motivating words. You can write them onto the board or you can type the text and print it out.


  • I make a great living doing what I love to do.
  • I love my work and get paid royally for doing it.
  • I am happy and fulfilled with my work.   
  • I inspire and motivate others

When it's all done, hang it where you can look at it; in your office, above the desk would be the perfect place. In addition it's a good idea to take a photo of it, print and laminate a small version so you can have it in your purse. The more you look at it, the more you feel it, the more effective it will be. Remember: it's all energy and we attract the same energy into our lives that we send out.

Now I'm inspired and want to make my next one……….I hope you feel the same way, now have fun with it and good luck and play to win!!

Send me a picture of your vision board and let me know how it's going, if you have any questions,  just ask me….. and if you are interested in business coaching let me know and we can set up a time for you to try a session, how much fun is that!!!




Finding Joy in the Little Things

Finding Joy in the Little Things

 Finding Joy in the Little Things

Is it hard for you to find joy in the little things? Can you only enjoy the grander, more expensive things in life?

Not really a problem, but you might miss the simple beauty of everyday things.

I used to be like this….. until everything around me crashed and I had nothing left. That was about 10 years ago……

Just briefly what happened: Family gone, money gone, business gone, friends gone and with all that my identity was gone too, which was a very, very good change of events. Yes it was not a pretty picture and my life felt totally empty and meaningless.

To be honest, at that time I did not think it was a good thing, I felt like a victim and was angry, depressed and hurt. But going through the "muck" for several years I slowly found something else: access to my spirit, a deep self love and last not least I found my life purpose.

10 years ago I did not have a clue of what that could be, or how I could find this. These days everything is different, I will celebrate my 60 birthday this summer and I decided to start celebrating now.

Who knows what can happen not that I worry that I might die, but I just want to live "full blast", have fun, do things I love to do, get over some of my challenges, try new things, be more self expressed, be bold, be curageous.

The reason is; that 2 of my friends died last year, they were around 60, too young to die. So I thought to myself, who knows how many years I have. One of the friends who died was always worried about money for retirement. Well that was a waste of energy, she did not even live to enjoy retirement age.

So what are the little things?

My "little things"…..  are activities and things that do not cost a lot of money like: Hanging out with friends, cooking and enjoying a nice meal together, watching the sunset, going for a nice walk in nature.

Doing things you love to do, walking along the beach, writing in your journal, listening to beautiful music, watching a good movie, meditating with friends, going to retreats, inspiring others. Going on a local adventure, trying something new, floating in warm water, getting a massage, engaging in deep conversations, being with like minded people, taking a fun class, going dancing…………..I can't stop

What simple things do you love? Please engage and leave a comment, psssst: it might inspire someone 🙂



What Makes You Come Alive?

What Makes You Come Alive?

What Makes You Come Alive?

Hello my friends, I hope your holidays were peaceful and nourishing and that 2015 will be a great year for YOU all. I would like to start my new blog series with my favorite question: What makes you come alive, or in simple words: what gives you great, vibrating positive energy?

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman

Oh, what a fascinating question. How do you feel when you hear it? Did anybody ask you this question before?

  • Does it irritate you?
  • Does it inspire you? 
  • What else do you feel?

Just to be honest: if anybody would have asked me this question 10 years ago, it would have irritated me. In those days I had very little awareness and would have translated it with: am I still breathing? What a stupid thing to ask? Hmmm, yes that was me then 🙂

Now I get excited and I want to mention all the beautiful things that make me come alive. Deep meaningful conversations, helping other people believe that they actually can change and live their dreams. Help someone to be open to see their own greatness and to own their own value.

Sharing insights that inspire others, to know that there is always the possibility of a wonderful life. Knowing that most limitations are self made and can be overcome.

I love it when I can support people to take care of themselves by eating healthy foods, being mindful, excercising, enjoying nature. I love to hang out with like minded people where I get support and inspirations.

Wait there is more: going on little adventures, even when it's just a new hike or I explore some new areas with my bicycle. I get excited when I do something different, learn something interesting, take a new class, meet someone new.

Feeling alive, is enjoying the simple things in life, expressing ourselves, being creative, being playful……. just for the heck of it!

Now let's explore what drains energy.

For me the biggest energy drain is negativity, it totally zapps me, being around gossip is bad for me too, just like judging others or being judged. Tiredness and being around uptight people who don't understand me is bad too.

When I don't get fresh air and can't exercise it drains me, when I am dishonest or get angry it drains my energy, noise and negative news ………..Well I'm sure the list goes on but I will stop here. If you come up with other goodies please share them with us.

So what makes you come alive? Please leave a comment to share with others.

PS: Don't wait to do all these good things until you retire, start NOW.

English is not my first language please forgive twisted grammar and misspelled words 🙂


Why Is It So Hard To Try New Things?

Why Is It So Hard To Try New Things?


Why Is It So Hard To Do New Things?


How do YOU feel when you desire to make changes in life. Do you feel ecstatic, do you feel anxious, or do you you feel neutral about it?


The fact is that changes are very hard for most people, that's why they rather stay in painful situations. Even if the change comes with the promise of a great life, it gets ignored and pushed onto the "famous back burner."


Do YOU know "someone" who stays in a miserable job, a bad marriage, hangs out with friends who are not a pleasure to be around, but holds on and on and complains and complains, but does not do anything about it?


Why is that? Sometimes the job isn't even paid well, so what the heck is going on? Could it be security, or better said the illusion of security? The job might be gone tomorrow, the company might be downsizing, the owner might be changing, the new boss might not like you. Job gone anyway…………………there is no security and it's better to face it.


Knowing this might help YOU with stepping out of YOUR comfort zone and experiment with new things. Maybe it's looking for another position, maybe it's finally creating the business YOU always wanted to have.


Yeah why not, it's good to face the fear head on and do it. Life is short and too precious to be lived in comfortable misery.

Find some helpful tips below, to be more courageous and start to initiate some life changes, even small ones.


  • Find a group of other people who want to do the same

  • Get some motivating inspiring books

  • Participate in some personal growth seminars

  • Get a coach

  • Don't tell you dream buster friends, you know the "ones" who don't dare and do not want their friends to dare either


It is very hard to do it alone, YOU need to have people who believe in YOU and support YOU. I myself initiated several major life changes in my life.


When I was 24 I moved  from Germany to California, started 4 businesses. Around 52 I left my husband, started on a quest to find my life purpose and moved back to Germany when I was 58.

By the way in case YOU wonder….I found my life purpose 🙂


Every little step was scary as hell, but I did it and know that YOU can do it too.

Overcoming the fear and the resistance is the first step……………..This sounds weird but it's true, the fear and resistance will always be there, so there is nothing to get rid of or overcome. The only thing that can be done is to not let it stop YOU.

How can we do that?


Feel the fear, accept it welcome it and tell yourself that it's ok to try a little experiment, or venture out into new territory. It's ok, no lion will come and eat YOU 🙂


The more experiments YOU make the more empowered YOU will feel.

Really…. what do you have to lose, there is not security to hold on to, it’s an illusion.


Try a session with me and find out if YOU might get inspired to discover something new.  Go to the contact tab and e mail me to schedule a 2 part session, it's my gift to you. I can't wait to meet YOU.




How To Discover Your Super Powers

How To Discover Your Super Powers?


How To Discover Your Super Powers

Sounds great doesn’t it? Superman powers, Yoda powers, Angelic powers, Psychic powers, Divine powers. I sure want them, what about YOU?

Theses are actually not the powers I would like to talk about today….. The super-powers I am talking about are very real and yes, every human being has them. They are energy forces within your system that youl have access to.  

There is a trick though…….you must be aware of them. Some of these super powers are conscious and some are subconscious, but even knowing about the subconscious ones will help you in your life as long as someone points them out to you.

My coach introduced me to human design and I found it soooo fascinating that I started to immerse myself into studying and now I get great results using some aspects in my coaching.

Ok, now the big question: what is it and how can this be of practical use for you? …. A human design chart is an interesting looking chart based on many aspects from Astrology, I Ching, Kabballah and Chakras.

It’s called “a system where science meets spirituality”. The most important fact is that when you learn about your uniqueness and how to express your uniqueness, you will be able to create a great life.

With work that you love, people that support and stimulate you, a healthy body and mind and the feeling of being alive. It will help YOU

  • Discover Your gift,
  • Discover Your purpose,
  • How to work with challenges
  • Create a fulfilled and balanced life
  • Make good decisions

One of my superpowers is my “gut feeling” a built-in guidance system, so as long as I listen and I am aware of it; my gut feeling tells me what I should focus on and what to let go of. I can’t go and make things happen I have to wait until something happens that awakens this gut feeling and then I can respond. This was a life saver for me, because I always tried to make something happen and when it did not work I was FRUSTRATED as hell.

Another superpower is my curiosity, which is always interested in things, in new programs, new ways of being, travel, transformation and sharing with people what I just learned. For years I was trying to be an expert and it actually killed my creativity. My unique way of presenting myself is to share my curiosity with others and stimulate them with my creative flashes.

The last one is my sense of timing… I was born and raised in Germany with never ending schedules and rules; when I had to what.  My unique design is the opposite; I have to follow my own rhythm in order to be happy, I have to “go with the flow”. It is essential for my well-being to honor this. As a result of not knowing this, I always thought that there is something wrong with me. Now that I know, I can live my life accordingly and not schedule every minute of my day.

Now I leave unscheduled time to do whatever inspires me; well yes…. sometimes it’s doing the laundry 🙂

Can you see the practical use in your life? I can’t even tell you how good it was to know this………….. It has changed my life.

One other part is that my feeling of self-value fluctuates depending on who is in my environment, so it’s not my stuff. When I feel low self-worth I sense whatever people feel who are around me, this energy affects me. Being aware of this has helped me to look at feelings from an observer perspective. What is mine and what is yours and I do not have to be so affected by everything.

Ok my friends this is only a very small part of how to create a great life, there is a lot more to it. Are you ready to change your life from blah to great? Contact me and sign up for a complementary, 2 part exploratory session, where you will meet your own superpowers………, how awesome is that?




Over 50 Happy and Fit


over fifty happy and fit


Over 50 Happy and Fit

Do YOU remember when YOU were young and thought that women over 40 are very old? I sure did and now that I am almost 60………. it's not old at all.

How do YOU feel about your age, the state of YOUR body and YOUR mind? Are YOU happy with YOUR life? If not, what do YOU do about it?

I come from a background where I heard, and for that matter, hear the following sentence a lot: Things are the way they are and I am the way I am and that's it……….no room for growth 🙂

These days I don’t have to accept this statement as truth any more. It's empowering for me to be fit and happy and to create my life the way it works for me.

I started making changes  when I was 50 and it has been a marvelous, but also a painful journey of self-discovery. But to be honest even the pain was ok, because it helped me feel my feelings.

My life up to that point was ok, or at least that's what I thought………….

Turning 40 I was middle aged-plump, I weighed about 160 pounds and did not feel good in my skin. Eventually I signed up for the gym and did a 3 day routine, lost some weight but not much……..Turning 50, I went through a total crises and changed my diet, my lifestyle. some of my friends, my old way of thinking and more.

I dropped French bread and replaced it with dark German whole grain bread, I quit alcohol, smoking and comfort food……… Or to be honest I still had comfort food sometimes and here and there I had a glass of wine with dinner.  I believe that it's too hard to be too strict with myself; there are always exceptions to my rules.

My new diet included  more steamed vegetables and salads, and water replaced juices. The interesting thing was that I quit smoking but did not have a desire to binge eat. That was a miracle, It probably was due to the fact that I practiced meditation and lots of methods to help me be aware of what I think and what I do.

These programs and teachers helped me:

  • Mind power with John Kehoe
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • 12 step programs
  • Byron Katie
  • Louise Hay
  • Eckhart Tolle

Now that I'm 59, I still keep up my gym routine, I found a class that I love. A mix of Yoga, Tai Chi and Chi Gong. I do weights and I love power plate exercises, which also helps with osteoporosis… or so I heard. I love to ride my bike and go for walks.

One of my other favorites is 5 rhythm classes, but so far I have not been able to find it in my town in Germany, although I could take the train to Cologne………..It's funny, when I lived in the state a one hour commute was normal. At times, I would do it every day, now I think it's too hard….I have to meditate on this one………..Anyway, it’s important  to make it fun and keep it exciting.

Yesterday I met a woman at the gym, she is 62 and has the body of a 30 year old, I kept noticing her and thought wow, this is amazing……… she inspires me. We started chatting about life, what we do in order to keep our bodies fit and how we stay inspired and happy.

She told me that she works with a hospice service as a volunteer which reminded me that I wanted to volunteer for a hospice service for a long time, but keep talking about and have not done it. So now that I got the contact information of the organization that does the training, I will talk to them.

For me this was another sign that it's something I should do. Believe it or not I've been thinking and talking about it for years……………….I believe in signs, if I want to do something and somehow reminders show up out of the blue, it's my sign to DO IT. This is part of my "spiritual fitness."

To recognize the signs, follow my intuition and my gut instinct. If I live my life according to these guidelines I’m in tune with myself. Meditation and self-reflection are great tools to help strengthen these qualities.

How do YOU keep your mind and your body fit? Please leave a comment I love to read them.

How to Make Decisions From the Heart


How to Make Decisions From the Heart


How to Make Decisions From the Heart

Hello my friends…I have spoken to many women who are going through major life changes and there is always one common challenge………….What do you think it is?

The most common one is: “not knowing what to do next”. Was that the one YOU picked too? I’m sure there are others but let’s focus on this one.

So, what feelings come up with not knowing what to do next?

  • Feeling stuck
  • Being confused
  • Getting angry
  • Having anxiety attacks

These feelings have something in common; they don’t feel good……………… but they are part of a normal process. “It just is what it is” and somehow it needs to be accepted, there is nothing else that can be done to speed it up. Resisting it will just make it worse.

One process that helped me a lot when I went through these phases was to get in touch with my intuition. By doing daily meditation and going for walks alone, we can get in touch with our body and our heart. It will empower YOUR life

Intuition is listening to our body language. What is the heart telling us? This body language is not very clear and we have to learn to interpret it. For some people it’s hearing things, for some feeling, for some it’s seeing. Whatever sense it is, it is not very loud, so it's very important to get to know the little voice inside.

What exactly is intuition?

Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without interference or the use of reason. The word intuition comes from Latin verb intueri which is usually translated as to look inside or to contemplate. Intuition is thus often conceived as a kind of inner perception, sometimes regarded as real lucidity or understanding.  Cases of intuition are of a great diversity; however, processes by which they happen typically remain mostly unknown to the thinker, as opposed to the view of rational thinking. Intuition provides views, understandings, judgements or beliefs that we cannot in every case verify or rationally justify.

The quieter we get the better it can be heard, seen or felt. There are also some good books out there to help improve our intuitive sense. I just read “Practical Intuition” by Laura Day.

Here a little excerpt from the book:

As the end of the second millennium draws near, the limitations of logic, rationality and the scientific method as the sole means of guiding our lives are becoming all too painfully clear. Increasingly our world is turning to modes of perception and understanding that don’t rely on evidence presented to our senses, modes such as intuition and faith……………….

Intuition has a dubious reputation in these times Conventional wisdom dismisses it as something intangible, mystical, unreliable-and hence the province of women. Men, to the extent that they are allowed intuition at all, have hunches or gut responses, or instincts.

These are myths and misconceptions. Women are not more intuitive than men. Perhaps because intuition was not thought to be a rational process it was attributed to women, whereas rational thought was assumed to be the province of the male brain…………….

Below are some simple exercises to help you become more intuitive

  • Find a comfortable place to sit, or lie down
  • Follow you breath and count one on the inhale and two when you breathe out
  • When you are relaxed identify a situation that you would like more insight about
  • Be focused on the event or situation and just keep breathing
  • Ask for a direct intuitive answer
  • Let go of the outcome

Who are you asking? Well I would say: your higher self, the field, the universe, or a higher power. Whatever it is for YOU

Now, how will the answers come?

They come through people, things that happen in your daily life, a newspaper article, you are reading, a conversation you are overhearing, something you read online, or something you see on TV. The most important thing is to always be aware of YOUR surroundings, everything you see, sense, hear or feel might have something to do with the answer.

I love this way of living life, it’s magical. Please tell me about your experience with intuition and how you get your answers. The more intuitive you get the more you will trust yourself and love yourself too, so start now 🙂

Over 40 and Going Through Major Life Changes

Life changes over 40


Over 40 and Going Through Major Life Changes

No…….. I'm not talking about menopause, although that's a major life change too and it might be part of it. What I’m interested in is what happens when; the kids are moving out of the house, the husbands might be too, maybe a family member died……………… we might be unhappy with our career, or we remember this one thing that we wanted to do for a long time………

It’s the time in life when spirit knocks and is waiting for us to change gear and take a different path. It’s very important to listen to this. We all know that life is short and that it can be over at any minute. Two of my friends just died one was younger than me, one was 63. So we better be happy and do what we love to do……

Below is how my life changed direction when I turned 50


“God gave us all a gift, Using this gift is our gift back to God.

~Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way

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