Being Authentic Helps To Achieve Your Lifegoals

314642_10150332410896299_69132076298_8348879_129818643_n-211x300I learned one important thing over the last few years of transformation:  To be aware of my thoughts and actions.  Lately  I noticed that I have lots of judgements coming up, not big ones but it still bothers me and makes me feel weak and kind of jucky.

So my practice is that as soon as I notice the judgement, I say to myself: I forgive myself  for my judgement and I really would like it if I would not judge people and things any more. I try one step at a time and I do it less and less, but it requires constant awareness.

The other thing is complaining, I do not like myself when I do it, it makes me feel bad, but it is such a habit, that it still sneaks  up on me. The practice is always the same, the key is to not beat yourself up, but be gentle and patient with your self.

This method works for all different kinds of habits, I use it like a game. It is important to know yourself if you want to be successful and achieve your goals, the more authentic you are the easier it is to achieve your dreams. Try it out!

What do you think? do you have a practice you would like to share? Please leave a comment below.

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